Chapter Thirty-Three

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The fleet is now back on the boats and are heading towards Repton in Mercia to fight King Ecbert's army, to finish this revenge mission once and for all. Yes, initially Aelle was the mission. But now the English knew they were here, the fleet must finish the job.

Once the boats were docked, the fleet began setting up camp. Rona took care of her own things as well as some of Helga's while she cared for Tanaruz.

The Ragnarssons, Rona and Floki were sat around a deer on a spit, eating and drinking. The four brothers sat in a half circle while Rona and Floki sat off to the side.

"It seems to me that the Saxons are as timid as frightened women." Ivar said, speaking up, obviously getting a bit big for his boots. Rona smacks him round the back of the head, making him drop some of his drink. He gives her a look as if to say "really?".

"Don't give me that look. You deserved it." Rona says. Ivar rolls his eyes.

"As I was saying, their hearts are faint. I don't think they can truly trouble us." Ivar took a bite of the meat as he looked at Ubbe.

Ubbe, Hvitserk and Bjorn are smiling somewhat at Ivar's abundance of confidence.

At this point, Floki finds a more comfortable seat and sits down to drink his ale. Rona remains where she is by Ivar.

"You don't know enough, Ivar. You haven't seen enough. These are brave men. I've fought against them, you haven't." Bjorn said as a matter of factly.

"I can only see what my eyes tell me, Bjorn and what I see is frightened people running before us. I see their spineless God, running away from our Gods." Ivar gestured with his hands and smiled at the end of his sentence as he was making fun of his Christian enemies.

This whole time, Hvitserk had remained silent, as had Sigurd, who was cutting up the deer. Rona found this strange. Hvitserk was usually the most talkative out of all his brothers.

Ubbe, once again chipped in and played the peace maker.

"For once, why don't you just listen to an older, wiser brother?" Ubbe handed Ivar a drink.

Rona took this as a chance to say her piece.

"These people who are running away, they're not warriors Ivar. They are not the ones who will stay and fight to defend this kingdom." Rona said as she took Ivar's drink from him. It was hers now. Ivar shrugged weirdly, almost agreeing with her.

"And protect their honour. For what is a warrior without their honour?" Sigurd said as he cut some more meat.

Ivar chuckled. Rona was getting board of this sibling bickering. She went over to Floki and sat with him. It was odd. They were almost friends. They seemed to tolerate each other's company now.

"I don't know. You tell me, brother. And tell me again, how many battles have you fought?"

"Same as you, brother, except I don't drive around in a comfortable bloody chariot." Sigurd threw his knife to the floor.

That was a bit of a low blow for Sigurd, Rona thought.

"What you have to learn, Ivar, is that if you break up this brotherhood, we shall not succeed," Bjorn explained. Ivar gave him a death glare. "We have many challenges ahead of us. So, if you want to keep arguing and whining like a little girl, then I suggest you leave. We don't need you."

Rona could see Ivar getting worked up. The way he stared at Bjorn, not blinking, gripping his sword in its sheath, as if he wants to use it. Rona leaned over to Floki.

"Shouldn't we do something? You know how their arguments can get?" Rona said.

"I do not believe anything me or you could say would help. Just let them say what they want to say." Floki shrugged.

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