Chapter Two

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Once they had returned, the youngest Ragnarssons and Rona were sat in the great hall. Ivar was sat alone just pondering, Ubbe was stood by one of the windows staring outside, Sigurd was practicing his lute and Hvitserk and Rona were sat at one of the tables together drinking mead.

Rona had been silent since they had returned to the town. Hvitserk was growing more and more concerned about the poor girl.

"What's troubling you Rona?" Hvitserk asked. Rona shook her head.

"I'm fine Hvitserk, stop worrying okay?" Rona replied.

"Rona." Hvitserk persisted. Rona sighed. She could never keep anything from Hvitserk for long.

"It's just my father and the anniversary...and then Sigurd's insult towards my father..." Rona took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing to speak. "But then finding out all that stuff about's a lot to take in." Hvitserk nodded.

"I do not think Sigurd meant to offend you, he is just angry about our father. But I still do not understand why you are so loyal to him. He abandoned us...he abandoned you too." Hvitserk explained. Rona shook her head.

"Your father helped me a lot after my father was killed. Without him I don't think I'd be here today." Rona replied. Hvitserk's heart sank. He hated seeing Rona this way.

"I still hope he never comes back." Hvitserk admitted. Rona scoffed and stood up.

"You know what Hvitserk...just leave me be okay?" Rona picked up her things and stormed out of the great hall.

Hvitserk looked down at the floor, realising what he had said.

"You messed up, brother." Ivar remarked.

"Shut up." Hvitserk spat.

Hvitserk stood up and threw his cup at Ivar before storming out of the great hall towards his room.


It had been a little while since Rona had left the great hall and she had actually walked quite a distance. Rona had made it to the edge of the town and was now sat outside the city gates just collecting her thoughts.

Today had been a difficult day. The anniversary of her father's death, Sigurd's comments about her not being a part of their family and about her father betraying the Gods, all of the sons' comments about Ragnar. It was just a lot to have happen in one day.

Since Rona was alone, she was finally comfortable enough to let her tears fall. Her face was now stained with tears. She just couldn't hold in her feelings anymore. Normally, Rona was very calm and controlled her emotions well, but every once in a while, like anyone, she had to let her feelings out.

After a while Rona felt a hand on her shoulder. Rona looked up.

"Are you alright, Rona?" Rona couldn't believe what she was seeing! The person in front of her couldn't be real!

"I must be going crazy." Rona mumbled and looked down at the ground. Rona heard the same voice from earlier chuckle.

"You're not crazy, my dear. It's me." Rona looked up again.

"Ragnar?" Rona asked in disbelief. Ragnar nodded and came down to Rona's level and sat down on the grass.

"I'm here." Ragnar stated. Rona just followed her instincts and hugged Ragnar tight. He hugged her back and have her a kiss on the top of her head. "It's so nice to see you," Ragnar stated, getting a little choked up. "You've grown so much!" Ragnar exclaimed as he let go of Rona.

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