Chapter 6 Part 2

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"Pleasure." He sort of whispered in the coldest voice I had ever heard.

But then that's exactly how I had I imagined his voice to be like. Icy.

The intensity of his grey gaze had startled me at first and my first instinct had been to lower my gaze but it was the way his eyes challenged me that made me stand my ground.

Then his gaze dropped.

It was then that I had noticed that he wasn't just a pair of eyes floating in mid air. His hair for instance, was jet black and a little overgrown and a little messy but organized kind of messy not just messy like dad's. If I were to take a guess, I'd say he was in his late 20s or early 30s.

He had strong facial features that I almost couldn't tear my eyes away from. He was brutally handsome - not those boyish goodlooks that Cedric had. He was the true definition of a handsome man. Even now when his mouth was set in a thin line and his brows knit, he was gorgeous.

His muscle built, unlike Cedric's ridiculously bulging muscles, was more reserved and acceptable though he was a lot taller than Cedric and Finn.

I had not even realized he was appraising me too until I lifted my head to look back at his face. I refuse to blush, I had thought as I felt color rushing to my cheeks.

His gaze clashed with mine one more time and this time, and again I wanted to look away but I couldn't.

I really couldn't. A compelling force was keeping my gaze locked to his and I felt like I was drowning in that grey icy pool. He was trying to take my guard down and he seemed to be succeeding. Challenging me to a silent match. I could feel my senses waking up and responding to his silent challenge.

"Er hem." Finn broke our visual deadlock.

My tormentor tore his gaze brutally from mine and threw Finn an angry glance before proceeding to Mr McLain.

He introduced us with a smirk firmly placed on his mouth.

"Like wise." I mumbled finding my voice somehow.

"I'm Finn." Finn decided to introduce himself.

Gabriel spared him a curt nod before moving to the sitting area obviously expecting us to follow.

I glanced at Mr McLain for an explanation for the cold behavior but he shrugged carelessly and followed the rigid back.

"You alright, mate?" Mr McLain said suddenly turning all English. All the time he was with us the only English thing about him was his accent.

Gabriel sat down and we all followed suit.

"I'm alright. You?" Gabriel finally responded his voice having relatively warmed leaving me to wonder what I had done to deserve that cold voice he had greeted me with.

"This is the new Guardian?" An accented voice interjected.

Naturally, we turned.

She was breathtaking. Wavy brown hair that grazed her waist, slanted eyes and full perfectly shaped red lips. She stood with hands on her voluptuous hips. My guess was she was Guatemalan but what did I know.

Her eyes were on me which was a good thing because Finn's mouth was hanging open.

"In the flesh." Mr McLain said in response to her question.

She scooped down low and brought her face so close to mine, I thought she was going to kiss me but thankfully, she stopped a few inches from me.

Well, this is awkward...I thought. "Er... Can I help you with something?" I muttered knitting my eyebrows wishing her to move away.

Unnatural forcesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang