Chapter 19

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This was Lucas' office, wasn't it? My heart started racing. My Dad had on office just like it at home; same colour coordination, similar decor style. He was clearly a man of habit. I walked over to the neatly packed desk and started going through the drawers.

What was I looking for? Clues, weaknesses, proof, leverage, weapons, whatever. I was looking for anything I could use against him.

The top drawer had mostly stationary and I quickly opened the next one and there I found a pocket knife which I quickly pocketed and I also pocketed a small pack of cookies I found in there. Shutting it quickly, I pulled the next but it was locked. So was the next one. I tried the drawers at the other side of the desk - also locked.


I looked around and noticed a filing cabinet so I rushed over there and started trying drawers again - they were all locked! Urgh! I straightened with a sigh of frustration. I noticed the edge of an envelope sticking out on top of the cabinet. My heart racing in excitement, I stood on tip toe and pulled it down. It was in A4 size. I opened it and I found a few papers in there which I pulled out.

The first one was in Spanish. Damn! My Spanish was very rusty and I would need more - Footsteps!

I quickly folded the papers and stuffed them in my pockets and I threw the envelope back on top of the cabinet then I rushed to sit in the visitor's chair.

The door opened the second my butt touched the leather.

Lucas paused when he saw me. I suppose my face was a little flustered. He entered and closed the door behind him.

"Everything okay in here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm let's see... I'm being held prisoner, my friend is on the verge of death, my father is an evil bastard and the cake topping is that he's trying to turn my sixteen year old brother into a murderer. So no, everything is not okay in here." I went on a rant.

"Okay, " he said slowly leaning on the edge of his desk. "I'm your father you will not use that tone with me and I'm turning Finn into a man, so you are welcome. Your friend shouldn't have come here so he got what he deserved." He said dismissively then he crossed his arms. "And as for you being a prisoner, that's up to you really."

I stood up slowly and stood in front of him crossing my arms. I squinted at him trying to understand his game.
"What do you mean?"

He sighed. "Join us." He simply said with a shrug of his shoulders.

I just stared at him and he stared back. "Oh, you are serious?" I asked incredulously waiting a moment for him to say he was kidding.

"Very. If you join us, you have a nice room upstairs and you will be well taken care of and your furry friend will be well taken care of too." He offered.

"You mean you will kill him. Or have me do it. Or Finn." I said.

"Whichever you prefer." He shrugged.

"Are you kidding me? You killed Nana." I stated my words laced with suppressed fury. I didn't want him to know that we knew she was alive.

"Ah you see, you have only heard Gabriel's side of the story. You have never heard mine."

I scratched my head in frustration, I had practised this scene so many times in my head but now that it was actually happening, the words just wouldn't come. "That's because you lied to us all our lives, Dad. " I accused feeling the pressure of anger tears against my eyes.

"I withheld information for your own good, Santana. I didn't want you to be exposed to this kind of life so soon." He explained.

"You lied about everything and pretended to be a good person when you are a horrible horrible monster." I spat. "And I don't think you did this for our good, you did it for yourself. You were afraid we would see how horrible you were and we would refuse to join you."

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