Chapter 16

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I was healing. Surprisingly fast. Too fast. It was weird, I noted the third day after the 'battle'. Don't know if it qualified as a battle since you know, it ended in less than an hour. It was so sad that we had lost six fighters but from what I learnt the hunters had lost more than we did. But still, I hated that anyone got hurt let alone die.

I was in my bathroom removing my bandages. The formerly open wounds were more covered in new skin and the pain was completely gone by now. How was this even possible? Cedric could heal in a matter of seconds but I was a Guardian not a werewolf. Fabio had explain to me that Guardians could muster the ability to heal faster only if they learned. I hadn't learned that yet but here I was almost completely recovered after three days.

Tossing the used bandages in the bin, I opened the shower tap and let the water run until it became warm. Dropping my rob to the floor, I got under the warm spray of water.

I did my best thinking in the shower. Was that weird?

Finn. My brother, Finn. They still hadn't found him and while everyone was annoyingly calm, I was freaking the hell out with each passing second. I would really love to think that Lucas won't hurt him but from what I had heard, blood relation meant nothing to him. Calling him Dad was now kind of inappropriate for me. I really couldn't bring myself to doing it.

Next time I saw him, he was going to explain to me me why he was such a monster. As much as I had made up my mind not to cry the tears just came anyway. Everyone I knew and loved wasn't as they seemed and it was hard to deal with. I could have just curled under a rock and had a pity party but I needed answers and answers I was going to get. But that didn't mean that I couldn't cry about it.

In the last two days, Fabio had been my constant companion as he continued our training sessions in my room. He had been relentless and poked and probed until he was satisfied with my progress. I had to be ready, he said. Lucas would try to play mind games with me for sure so I had to be ready, he had told me. I was becoming pretty good at it and it might be just a little premature but I felt ready.

I closed that tap and made a fuss of drying up and payed particular attention to my supernatural wound. After I was done with drying and moisturising, I put on my regalia: shorts and a vest. It was too hot to wear anything else.

Without bothering to tie my hair, I headed downstairs.

"Santana. Good morning." Fabio greeted me from the breakfast table as I entered the dinning room.

I smiled at him. We had sort of become friends. "Hie."

I reached over and took a piece of toast. There were other people in the room who I also greeted.

"How is the arm?" One of the girls, Kylie asked.

"Completely healed. So weird." I replied with a frown as I sat down next to Fabio.

"You'll get used to it." She said with a sweet smile. She startled when a jug of orange juice rose on the air next to her and came slowly towards my outstretched hand. "Looks like you are already used to it."

I grinned as I poured the juice in a glass. "Just practising." I mumbled setting the jug back down.

Fabio was smiling next to me. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly for my ears only.

"Fine. Just getting restless." I replied adopting the same quietness.

"Good." He drawled.

"How is that good?" I asked tensely.

"Gabriel might have good news." Fabio disclosed.

I almost shrieked loudly. "Good news? Tell me they found him!" I whispered urgently.

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