Chapter 8

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Santana's POV


Oh my God!

It was her. In the...weird brown cloth thingy. She looked so old and different. Nothing like the gorgeous smiling goddess I had seen in the other picture but it was definitely her.

My heart clenched painfully. She had messed up the family but I felt an irresistible connection to her. I felt my heart strings being tugged towards her. I can't explain it but before i knew it my eyes had filled with tears.

Nana was alive.

Nana was being kept as a slave.

Some evil person has kidnapped my grandmother and faked her death. And made us mourn for someone who is alive!

"Who did this?" I whispered feeling the steady bubble of emotions raise in me.

"The hunters." Gabriel replied calmly.

How the hell could be be so calm?!

I angrily flung the envelope asking with the pictures to the side. "I want names, Gabriel."

"You need to calm down." He told me.

"Don't you tell me to calm down! Someone kidnapped my grandmother and is holding her captive. I want to know who it is." I bit out through gritted teeth.

Aaaand the desk started rattling. I was doing that.

Gabriel looked at the desk then back at me. "Stop it."

I glared at him. "I can't freaking control it!"

"So if I tell you who it is what are you planning to do?"

"I will hunt them down and-"

"What? What will you do? They have decades worth experience and you have what, two days. You can't even control this." He punctuated the last word by punching the desk hard. It stopped rattling immediately.

I opened my mouth to argue then shut it again once again realising that I had no argument. He was right I had no experience. I was a baby.

I was a baby Guardian.

Well baby or not, I was determined to find Nana. I wanted my Nana. I was going to find her.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I started looking up to meet his eyes. "Gabriel, will you help me?"

"That's what I'm here for, Santana." He stood up and walked around the desk then he sat on the chair next to mine.

I turned to him my eyes wide.

"We have to be a team." He leaned in really close and spoke in a low intimate voice that made a chill run up my spine. Oh Lord. "That's the way it was meant to be but if you want to leave, then you are free to do so. I can't force you to stay."

I blinked at him rendered temporarily speechless. All the coldness in his eyes had disappeared replaced by an emotion i couldn't read.

"Er...I want to find my grandmother. And the people who did this to her. I have to stay."

He smiled. Well, it was more a smirk than a smile but it was the first time I had seen it. I felt a smile of my own tugging at my lips but I resisted.

"Thats good to hear. Now about the names of the people- "



"Don't tell me. It will distract me I need to focus on the training first. When you think I'm ready, then tell me. And we will go find them." I stated. Nothing was more important than finding Nana.
"When do we start the training?"

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