Chapter 23

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30 minutes later I was seated in a chopper next to Finn as it noisily took off from the base's backyard.

We decided to take Farah along with us so we were five inside the chopper with Fabio as the pilot and Gabriel next to him. Darkness had just fallen over and I could see the lights from buildings from nearby towns. I loved flying. There was something so magical even under the present circumstances.

It shouldn't be too long until we were in Mexico.

I stole a glance at Gabriel. I had been trying so hard not to, afraid that my feelings maybe betrayed. If they weren't already.

I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. It was 100% better than the first one which by the way was amazing. The way it left me feeling was...i have no words. The second he left my room I missed him so much I could hardly wait to see him again. Gabriel was intoxicating and I was irrevocably intoxicated. All the anger from before was completely gone, maybe I was just being stupid but at this point I didn't care. I was too deeply in love with him, a bulldozer couldn't pull me out.


I love him.

My poor fragile heart.

At this point I was prepared for the inevitable pain because it was clear that these feelings were not going anywhere no matter how much i wished them away.

Despite all my elaborate feelings, Gabriel had not said a word about how he felt. And it hurt a little that maybe he just didn't feel the same. So this was why I had reached the decision that I'd leave. I didn't want to be like Gisele. She worships the ground Gabe walks on and he never gives her a second.

I definitely would not be able to stand the pain so it would be best if I left. Maybe Finn will come too and we could go back to school.

The reason I joined the supernaturals had finally arrived and I was busy thinking about a boy. I gave myself a mental shake and told myself to focus. Failure was not an option.

I looked around the chopper, the only people talking were Gabriel and Fabio, probably strategizing. I had no idea they were close. I suppose it made sense, neither of them was a man of many words. Or maybe they just sent telepathic messages to each other the whole time. That was far more likely.

We flew over cities and I just watched the pretty lights remembering a time when my life was simpler. The biggest problem I had then was being called crazy. But now that seems now like a walk in the park. My life had changed so much and I wasn't sure yet if it was for the better.

I wondered what Lola would make of this Gabriel situation. She'd probably go and give him a good piece of her mind. I smiled. I missed her so much. After this was over I would go and patch things up with her. I hope she wasn't still mad. For now I had to focus on this.

* * *

"How was the flight?" Finn grinned as we all jumped off the helicopter on some small helipad in Mexico. I had no idea where exactly.

"Uneventful." I remarked with a smile. I was glad that he was back. I had missed him.

"Don't worry you have an eventful evening coming up that will last your entire life." Farah said coming up behind me.

Lastly, Gabriel and Fabio got off the helicopter.

"Everyone okay?" Gabriel asked his eyes on me.

I blushed.

"Yeah we good." Finn responded.

It was only then that I noticed two black SUVs racing towards us.

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