Chapter 24

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I woke up with a start.

Thankfully the lights were dim. But that ceiling fan was unfamiliar. I sat up immediately and looked around the unfamiliar surrounding.

Where was I?

I was lying on an enormous bed with feathery bed covers. Other than a built in wardrobes and a bare vanity table, the room was bare. I got off the bed and headed for the door.

What the...?

It was locked. My panic started rising. Why was the door locked? I banged on it.

"Hello? Anyone out there? Gabriel?" I yell between bangs. Putting my ear against the door, I listened for any sound. There was no sound. What was happening right now? Why was I locked inside a room?

Phone! I searched my pockets for my phone. But there was nothing in my pockets. Someone had removed everything from my pockets!

My heart was racing. Oh! What to do?!

A window! I ran towards it and pushed aside the curtain. It was dark outside and there were no lights. I tried opening it but it was sealed shut.

Oh my God.

I went back to door banging. "Open up! Let me out!" I yelled over and over but still no response.

That little sneaky man had drugged us! I knew he couldn't be trusted. But where was everyone else? Where they in some bare room wondering what was going on? And Nana? Where was she? Had Damien lied to us?

What about Finn? Was he alright? That thought undid me. I'd anything happened to my brother I swear I would kill that perve!
I banged the door more vigorously making it as loud as possible.
Gabriel too. If anything happened to him too I don't think I could ever rightly function.

I banged the door until my arms hurt so I used my feet and soon they too were hurting.

Soon though someone was bound to come. And I'd be ready. I sat on the edge of the bed red anger lines surrounding me.
Damien Schwartz wasn't going to know what hit him.

I wasn't sure how much time I waited for someone to come seeing I had no watch or phone but after what seemed like an eternity I heard the lock turn.

I jumped up from the bed and stood with my arms outstretched ready to deflect.

The door swung open and a large man appeared. He paused when he saw my stance but only for a second before he started towards me.

"Don't come near me." I warned.

He smirked and in two large steps he was in front of me. It was only then that I noticed the gun on his hip.

"Move." He ordered nodding towards the door.

I shook my head.

He took of his gun from the hoister and pointed at my head. "Don't make me ask again."

Fear bellowed inside me. This was the first time a gun had been pointed at me head in an actual threat. Back at Dad's base I knew he wasn't actually going to kill me but this man...he had lethal intent.

So I complied terrified about the gun pointed at my head but relieved to be leaving that bare room. We trudged down an equally bare corridor then we turned into another very dimly lit corridor

He nudged me forward with the gun. I literally jogged forward flinching away from the cold steel.

Finally he stopped me by a door which opened with his free hand and led me inside.

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