Chapter 15

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"...someone call a referee

I know you know I made those mistakes maybe once or twice

By once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times

So let me oh let me redeem oh redeem oh myself tonight

Cause I just need one more shot at second chances

Is it too late now to say sorry"

Some one was singing. Someone was singing loudly and out of tune. I wanted to sleeeep. I groaned opening one of my eyes slightly. It was Cedric.

"'Cause I'm missing more than just your body."

"Oh for the love of God, shut up!" I said opening my eyes to glare at him.

His face lit up instantly and he jumped up to his feet. "It worked!
She's awake."

He then leaned in closer to me. "Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked concern etched in his voice.

I frowned at him noticing only then that I wasn't in my own room. This room was white. Completely white and a few grey mats. The bed I was lying on was feather soft and obscenely large and so was the room. I turned just in time to see Gabriel rush in through one of the two doors.

I didn't take my gaze off him as strode to my bed side.

"Hey, Lioness. How are you feeling?" He asked gently.

Cedric snorted loudly.

"I'm fine." I said making an attempt to get up. It was then that the pain hit me. My shoulder, my arm and my head. The last memories I had come flooding in. I gasped for air as the pain and/or the flood of terrible memories momentarily knocked me out of breath.

I felt two pairs of hands on me gently laying me back on the bed.
"Easy there." I heard Gabriel say but it was very hazy. My vision was blurry.

I lay back on the cushions panting with my eyes closed as I waited for the pain to subside.

It didn't.

"What...what happened? How l..long was I out?" I bit out trying to swallow the pain. "Why was my father attacking us?" The last question came with alot more force than the first two.

"You've been out for about seven hours." Cedric supplied.

"Alot happened during that time." Gabriel put in.

I waited for them to answer my last question but neither of them did. "And my last question?" I asked gritting my teeth as I clutched my shoulder.

"We will talk about that when you are better." Gabriel said patronizingly.

I frowned. "I..I want to know. Tell me."

"I will get you something for the pain." Gabriel mumbled as he turned away from my pain contorted and increasingly angry face. He walked to a nearby chest of drawers.

"Gabriel. Don't patronize me. I want to know what is going on here!" I cried angrily.

Cedric glanced nervously at Gabriel then back at me, Gabriel in turn turned back to my bed with something I couldn't see cupped in his hand - probably pills. He calmly picked up a glass of water from the bedside table and held it up to me.
"Take this."

I vehemently slapped the glass out of his hand flinging in across the room where it hit the wall and shattered to a million pieces and the water sunk into the grey carpet.

"Tell me." I hissed my voice booming over the entire room.

Cedric let out a soft whimper and looked absolutely petrified as he glanced desperately at Gabriel.

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