Chapter 22

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Sitting in the car was tense. Well for me at least since Gabriel decided to continuously throw me dark gazes. He was angry, I get that but then so was I. I was beyond pissed but right now I had to deal with finding Shelly before I did any thing else.

I had tried insisting on driving my own car but Fabio and Finn both objected and Gabriel had wisely kept his lying mouth shut.
So someone was driving my car and I was riding with Gabriel, Fabio, and Finn in one of the Jeeps. Cedric had been rushed home way ahead of us.

"Where you find this?" Fabio asked after he finished reading the papers I had stolen from Dad's office. From what I had understood Nana was at some institution in Mexico but that was as far as my understanding went. I had told everyone this and now we were waiting anxiously for Fabio to finish decrypting the Spanish documents.

"In Dad's office. " I replied.

"What does it say?" Finn, who was sitting in the front with Gabriel, who was driving, asked looking back at us.

"It's an agreement of sale." He said with a frown.

"An agreement of sale? Of a... person?" I asked with a frown of my own.

"Si. Looks like she was sold to some underground institution with name Grace Helen." He confirmed looking down at the paper.

"That's illegal. People can't be sold." Finn put in glancing at Gabriel.

"An underground institution in Mexico?" Gabriel quizzed without taking his eyes off the road.


"Is the name Wide Gates ?" He asked the follow up question.

"Yes. You know it?" I asked surprised.

"Yes. I had a run in with them a while back." He replied curtly his tone telling me not to pursue it. But of course I was going to.

"What kind of run in?" I asked and his eyes met my challenging gaze over the rearview mirror for a brief second before returning to the road.

"The bad kind. Are you sure it's her under the pseudonym?" He abruptly changed the subject thus effectively rousing my curiosity.

"There a photo. Its small and black and white but it's Shelly." Fabio replied matter of factly.

"Look at the date." I suggested.

He did. "Thats three months ago!"

"Exactly." I stated. "She was moved from somewhere else. Gabriel, what kind of an establishment is this Wild Gates ?"

"An organization that buys people? I'm guessing an illegal establishment." Finn put in.

"It is."Gabriel confirmed. "They are involved in every illegal trade you can think of. They offer any type of services to people for a price."

"So you think Dad paid them to hide Shelly?" Finn asked.

"Seems that's way." Fabio whispered fingering one of the papers.

We were all silent for a moment considering this new information.

"So what do we do?" I asked breaking the silence. As tired as I was, I wanted to get Nana before Dad found out I took the papers.

"Proceed with caution. The Wild Gaters are dangerous criminals. " Gabriel said glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

"Oh they haven't seen a dangerous criminal yet." I sassed much to Finn's amusement.

"They are dangerous, Santana. I don't want you doing anything stupid." Gabriel chastised me immediately.

"What you call stupid, I call-"

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