Chapter 28

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Double update! Yaaas!

Leaving the school, I drove towards my parent's house - my home. I had to pick up a few things from there. After everything I knew now, I didn't think I'd want to stay there with mum and dad. I had no idea where we would stay and where we would go to school but one thing for sure was that we weren't going to be with mum and dad. We'd stay with Nana if she wanted us otherwise I'd take money from my trust fund which I had access to since last year when I turned eighteen. Then I'd rent an apartment for us and hopefully get a job so I could support my brother. I realized I couldn't base my plans on Gabriel anymore.

I was so lost in thought i had reached the Marino mansion without even realizing it. I stop at the gate as I rummaged the glove compartment for the remote. I grunted in victory when my hand crossed over it. Opening the gate, I drove slowly down the driveway.

I had missed this place! The gardens were in perfect condition which meant the help was still here. I didn't even bother to close the gate since I wasn't going to take much time. I jumped out of the cat soon after I parked.

It felt kinda nice to be back to a familiar surrounding and also a little sad but it was okay. The house key was also in the glove compartment so I ran up and opened the door and headed straight to my room.

"I had missed you." I muttered as I jumped on my large bed. It smelled like it missed me too. Buried my head in the fluffy pillows. I should take one of them with me. The pillows at the base were good but they weren't my pillows. I got up from the bed and opened the top wardrobe door to fish out a duffle bag.
Then I opened the lower door to get a bunch of my own clothes and underwear. I just randomly grabbed shirts, pants, shorts and shoes. The clothes at the base were pretty but again they were not my clothes. Laptop, iPad, jewellery box, old photo albums even my favorite teddy, Lola had given me a few years ago, Faffles also made it into the bag. I zipped it up and placed it on the bed. I'd also pick up stuff for Finn.

I rushed to his room and packed a few of this stuff into a duffle bag from his room. After I was done I walked back to my room.
As soon as I entered my room, I noticed that my duffle bag was on the floor a distance from my bed like someone had left there. I specifically remember placing the bag on the bed. Was someone here? In my room perhaps? My heart was pounding hard.

"Hello?" I called walking in slowly and looking around. "Who's there?" My voice was shaky. I walked into the room then checked the bathroom and the balcony. I found nothing. Hmm maybe I had left the bag on the floor. But I couldn't remember-

Loud footsteps made me pause mid-thought. I whirled around in panic only to find myself face to face with Gabriel.

"Gabriel!" I breathed in relief. "You scared the crap out of me!"

Gabriel just stood there brooding as always then he suddenly made two large steps and pulled me into his arms. I gasped as my chest crushed into his hard biceps. He hugged me in a very tight embrace I could barely breath.

"G..Gabe? I can't breathe." I whispered.

He immediately released me but he didn't step away, he cupped my face in his hands and looked deep into my confused eyes.

"You scared the crap out of me." He said his voice so low and deep it did stuff to my stomach.

"What?" I whispered even more confused than ever.

"You disappeared. Again. Why do you do that to me?" He asked the question like a tortured man.

I just stared up at him not breathing.

He sighed too then crushed his lip on mine savagely and they moved with a hard urgency that made me wince in pain. He was hurting me. I pushed him off as hard as I could and he didn't fight me. He stepped back.

Unnatural forcesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant