[6] The King Of The Koopas

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After landing behind the main castle, the shy guys transferred you from the ship to a solid metal cage large enough for a person. "Do not speak out of turn; only respond when he allows you. Do you understand?"

You stop gazing around the cage and look at the red shy guy's direction and nod happily. "No promises, but I'll try!"

They all shake their heads and mentally wish you the best.

You hang onto the bars as the cage is raised by a chain hooked into the ceiling and guided into a giant throne room. You began bouncing up and down. Your eyes land on the person sitting on the throne in the center of the room.

It's him!

It's him!

It's really him!

You try to contain yourself, but it's nearly impossible having the nervousness and excitement mixed inside of you.

"We found her at the castle ruins..." The red shy guy spoke, and the cage stopped a few feet from the Koopa King. 

From this distance, you finally get a good view of the man. He's hard to describe in great detail, but you notice he taps his sharp nails against the top of the armrest before getting up. Somehow, he looks taller than you remember. A large tail swayed behind him. His tan skin seems to glisten, driven by the heat of the palace, and his red hair and eyes are vibrant with the light of the fire. He's undoubtedly intimidating, but you don't feel afraid. 

As the cage is set down, the force almost makes you lose your balance. Bowser circles the cage and studies your figure carefully. You feel as though his gaze could burn right through your clothes, making you blush for a brief moment. 

He notices your reaction and raises a brow. "What, woman? Not used to this drastic climate change?" When he finally spoke to you, his voice sent shivers down your spine pleasantly. Fortunately, he did not interpret your physical reaction as it truly was. 

"No, it's way hotter than I originally thought, but it's something I wouldn't mind getting used to." 

Bowser wasn't expecting that response, but this wasn't enough to throw him off course. "Interesting... so, that begs the question, what brings you here of all places?" He points at your hat. "You're obviously from the Mushroom Kingdom. Either you're extremely lost ..." He pauses, getting closer to the cage. "Or you're a messenger sent here by my beloved Princess Peach for you to tell me that she'll finally have me!" Bowser exclaims joyfully, which throws everyone in the room into confusion. 

You swallow hard."Um, no. Sorry, but both of those answers are wrong..."

He huffs out, steam coming out of his nose. Grabbing the bars and leaning in, he glares at you. "Then, why are you here?" Giving you only a few seconds to respond. "Speak, woman!" He yells, making you flinch.

"I have a proposal for you, Koopa King. And it's just the thing you're searching for..." You say with a spark in your eyes.

Bowser tilts his head. "State your case."

"Let me aid you in your plans to win the princess's heart and, if not..." You take a deep breath. "The conquest of the entire Mushroom Kingdom and, preferably after, the entire world..."


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