[62] First Date Jitters

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Afterward, Bowser takes you back to the Mushroom Kingdom to your home and takes his leave, and both of you anticipate tomorrow highly.

When you arrive, Peach and Daisy immediately bombard you with questions.

With a nervous smile, you tell them what happened.

Wide-eyed, the girls are more excited than you, bouncing around joyfully.

Once they settle down, Peach elbows Daisy. "Pay up." 

The brunette digs into her dress pocket, pulls out a couple of gold coins, and hands them to her.

"Daisy and I bet five coins on what would occur between you and Bowser." She grins. "As you can see, I won, as I bet he'd confess to you."

Daisy pouts. "Me, on the other hand, bet he'd propose, which, looking back at it now, is a giant leap forward, so it's only right he did what he did first."

You chuckle in amusement. "You two are so silly."

The girls look at each other, nod, then look at you.

"We'll be going now," Peach says. "We just wanted to ensure you got brought home safely."

She and Daisy group hug you and stand at the doorway. "You and Bowser are welcome to use the Mushroom Kingdom at your disposal for your first date. And it'd be perfect, too, since it's the Mushroom Festival tomorrow." Her statement shocks you.

"That's tomorrow already?!" You exclaim. "Wh-why didn't you tell me?!"

"(F/n), it's okay. It'd be cruel to make you work on your first date as a taken woman." She places a hand on your shoulder. "Enjoy the day with your man to your heart's content." Peach's words almost seem too good to be true when hearing them out loud. 

Your pout turns into a sigh, unwilling to argue with her because she's right. 

After all, you've endured in a short time, clustered together, everything was falling back into place. 

Not all that is bad lasts forever. 

"Alright..." You cave in, and that brings smiles to the princesses. 

"Since we'll be around," Peach says. "Do you still want your displays to be set up like every year?"

You nod happily. "Yes! That'd be lovely!" You go to your work counter, pick out specific items you'd like, and give them to Peach and Daisy. 

"Perfect!" The two express. 

"We'll see you tomorrow then." Peach says alongside Daisy, and they leave for the night. 

After Bowser confessed, you're left alone, and you can properly freak out by yourself. Collapsing in your bed with your face into your pillow, you delightfully kick your feet in the air. You flip around on your back after that and stare at the ceiling.

Me and Bowser...

A goofy grin crosses your face.

I love the sound of that...

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

It's an hour before noon, and you are ready. 

The festival started a little over thirty minutes ago and would begin its peak soon. 

As you wait, a knock at your door swiftly stops what you're doing and makes you answer. You open to see Bowser standing there, holding both hands behind his back. 

"Hello, (F/n)." He greets kindly and reveals a bouquet of tamed piranha plants.

You gasp. "For me?" You flutter your eyes as he hands them to you. "You're too kind, thank you. I'll put them in some water right away." You say while stepping aside and letting him in. 

The New Monarch (Human! Bowser X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now