[48] Lava Tears

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Everyone is frozen, trying to process what's happening. 

The man's presence is imposing, and it's clear he's not someone to be trifled with. "It was rude not to invite me to your wedding, especially with the Toadstool Princess," He chuckles. "But it was silly of me to think that much of you." Dusting off the rubble on his skin, he marches toward his brother. 

"Aoi, why are you here?" Bowser asks, confused, holding out his arms to prevent anyone from getting closer to him.


That's his name...

"I'm here to observe, of course!" The man says with a chuckle. He looks around, his gaze lingering on everyone behind Bowser until it lands on you. "But things have gone awry." A sly smile creeps onto his face. "A little birdie has maneuvered their way into the Koopa Kingdom and changed the course of your plans. Is that correct?"

Bowser's heart races. 

After all these years, his brother has returned, but for what reason? 

The man's face contorts with disorder but quickly turns into aggression. "What do you want?" He demands, his voice rising. "You're not here for the reason you state."

Aoi rubs his chin. "That's correct, not just for the wedding or your new hire, but I've heard that the last superstar is also here." 

Bowser, feeling uncomfortable, responds, "You must have heard wrong. It's not here. I suggest you leave now before it gets ugly." 

His brother raises a brow. "Is that any way to talk to your family?" 

Bowser replies, "After everything you've done, I think it's fair to speak to you however I please. You're in my home, after all." 

Aoi interjects, "Technically, our home." 

Bowser responds, "Not anymore. Do you know the meaning of the word 'exiled'?" 

Aoi picks the side of his face. "Not really. With age, you start to forget things that don't matter." 

"The star is not here; go look somewhere else." 

He chuckles in amusement, which turns into loud laughter. "If there's one thing I remember about you, I know when you're lying..."

Observing the scene, you sense the tension brewing between the siblings. 

You begin to worry, not for yourself or the item you carry, but for Bowser. 

Peach taps your shoulder urgently. Her voice is low and urgent as she whispers into your ear, "You have to get out of here, (F/n). I don't like the looks of this. It's obvious that Bowser is stalling for time. This Aoi person is not leaving without the star."

Without a second thought, you nod and carefully make your way through the crowd in the opposite direction of the brothers. 

Aoi approaches Bowser, smacking him out of the way and sending him flying across the ground. 

Everyone stands in place, too afraid to move.

This fear is different from the one Bowser initially gives off. 

Bowser said he could hurt anyone in more ways than one, but his brother gave off the vibe he could and would kill whoever whenever he pleased.

"Girl with the mushroom hat," Aoi sounds, looking in your direction. "Where do you think you're going?" 

"Um..." You begin, sweat drips from your head from the nervousness rising inside your system. "This is a personal family matter, so I think it's best we leave."

"You're right." He says, pointing at the entrance. "Everyone's allowed to vamoose." 

They quickly retract with no other option; Peach reaches for your hand but is pulled away, the distance between you two stretching further. 

"Except," He points his sharp pointer finger your way. "For you, you have something I want."

"Forgive me, Prince Aoi, but I don't know what you mean..."

"Polite, yet tough to crack, I see." He walks over to you and towers over you.

You grip your satchel bag tightly. 

"You'll do for now..."

"Hey!" A shout emulates from the Koopa King. He gets up, trying not to stumble on his feet from the impact of Aoi's hit, stronger than he ever imagined. "Lay a finger on her, and you'll lose all of yours." His expression transforms into one of someone who's dead serious about the words that escape his mouth. 

"So, this is what gets your gears going..." A menacing look covers his dark blue eyes. "This will be more fun than I thought..."

Bowser charges at him and is taken for a turn when Aoi shields himself from his attack and kicks him, which, this time, sends the man almost over the ledge. 

The Koopa King stops himself from falling into the boiling lava by grabbing the ledge with both hands tightly, his claws digging into the rock and dangling dangerously over it. 

"Get away from him!" You shout, raising a hidden dagger inside your bag in the air, charging at full speed at Aoi. Aiming for a non-vital spot, he blocks your attack, making the weapon fall out of your hand, which he quickly redirects in his hand and grabs your throat.

"(F/n)!" Bowser exclaims, trying to muster up his strength to lift himself up.

With each fighting attempt you put into escaping, his grip on your throat tightens. 

You give up on trying and stop. This action detains him from doing any more harm.

"Well, well... You've got quite the fighting spirit." He looks back at his brother and drags you with him. "She's quite a charmer, isn't she, little bro?" The way he jerks you back and forth made Bowser's blood boil. "No wonder you prefer her over the Toadstool Princess; this girl is way better!"

"Don't talk about Peach, you bastard!" You bark at him, making his grip tighten again, which proves impossible to escape from.

"Quiet, girl. You're prettier when you don't speak." Aoi comments, seeing you struggle under his touch. It excites him to a certain degree. 

Bowser fights with all his might, and then his brother stomps on his hands that gripped the rough rock. He winces as Aoi stomps on his hands harder, grinding them with his foot, making his skin red and almost breaking the top layer. 

"I think it's time for a change in leadership..." His brother taunts, crouching down to get a better look at his sibling. "Take one last look at her because it'll be the last thing you'll ever see." Aoi shoves you in front of his face, only inches away from Bowser. 

Your glassy eyes brought sadness to his. 

"(F/n)..." He sounds through clenched teeth as he slowly tries to lift himself while still under his brother's feet

Aoi clicks his tongue. "Time's up!" He comments, harshly pulling you away, which makes Bowser lose his grip by the second. 

"You won't get away with this!" The Koopa King threatens, even in his position.

His brother only sighs and grins in response. "Oh, but I already have," He quickly removes Bowser's hands from the ledge, causing him to fall into the lava below. 

You scream in horror, reaching out until Aoi drags you away from the scene. 

Tears spill violently from your eyes as you're taken away and forced to leave the Koopa Kingdom. 

The last thing you see before blacking out is Bowser plunging into the fiery lake.

til the next chapter.

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