[34] Scum Of The World

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"I'll save you the sad, sappy details, but we were always at odds for our time together."

You observe Bowser attentively, paying close attention to every word he speaks.

"Despite being the oldest, he was not in line to inherit everything left behind by our parents that we never got to know." The man rubs his hands together. "The one who raised us, or mainly me, was Kamek."

"Really?" You question in disbelief. "Wow..."

No wonder he cares so much.

Not only is Bowser his master, but he's also like his son.

"I never knew much about him after we separated other than that he had the seven kids you know now. However, he easily abandoned them, just like how they were made. I felt terrible, and I took them as my own." He pauses for a second before resuming again. "For a long time, it was the seven eldest Koopalings. Then, not long after, my wife and I had Junior. That makes eight since then."

You tilt your head down and play with your hands. "What made your brother want to abandon everything? Especially after having so many kids?"

"He aspired to be more than what he was. His quest took him on a journey to explore the world, seeking the ultimate power source in the universe. I can relate to his ambition, as I, too, intend to have complete control." Bowser tugs at his spiky collar. "In that sense, we share a common goal..." He looks your way. "Since he couldn't be king of the Koopa Kingdom, he wanted something to replace that longing. And the kids," The man lets out a long sigh. "It's hard to say. Maybe he wanted to have others by his side who weren't me. Or maybe he wanted successors." He shakes his head. "Who knows? His whereabouts are unknown. But it's clear he's out there. Waiting for a chance."

"A chance of what? "

He shrugs. "I don't know..."

"I'm sorry to hear that..." You express, keeping your head down.

"Don't be."

You glance back up.

"It was his choice. Although it was and still is cruel to have left behind such great children." The corners of his mouth pull at his face. "I'm glad to have them here with me..."

"What would you say or do to him now if he appeared out of nowhere?"

Bowser rubs his chin. "I'd kick his ass so hard he'd fly into the next world." He chuckles, which lightens the tense atmosphere.

You laugh along with him. "It would take a lot to bring you down, huh?"

He tilts his head to the side and smiles. "You have no idea..."

Your face flushes red. Not knowing if it was because you were sick or because he always had that effect on you. "Thank you for telling me. I love getting to know you more with each passing day.

"Likewise." He pats his knees and gets up. "I'll come back later to check up on you. Rest while you can."

"Thank you, my love..." You say, barely above a whisper.

Bowser turns around. "Did you say something?" He asks, raising a brow.

"N-no!" You quickly reply.

The man shrugs and leaves after. When he did, you let out a sigh of relief. "That was close..." You cozy up in the bed and, slowly but surely, drift to sleep.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

Lately, all of your dreams start and end the same way.

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