[59] Then, Now, And Forever

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The two monarchs walk into the throne room, heading to the large table set up for them.

Bowser notices the damages he caused are being repaired, and whatever wasn't is draped with large white sheets. He recoils, remembering what happened that day.

Once they reach the table, a large piece of paper, pen, and ink are waiting on top of the surface.

"Have a seat." Peach motions to the one at the end of the table, and she sits on the other side.

The papers are in front of the Koopa King. He wants to read them right away as soon as possible to return to the party, but he detains himself from such things as the matter at hand is far more important to settle in order for everything else to fall into place.

Not only for everyone but for himself as well.

"Before we start," The blonde speaks, breaking the silence in the room. "I'll accept any statements you may have before we discuss the treaty, whether that be your reasoning for doing what you've done over the years or any apologies you may have," Peach offers.

Bowser knows precisely what she's hinting at. He clears his throat. "Of course I do, princess." The man begins, straightening out his tie and taking a deep breath. "No amount of words or actions can free us from the problems I've caused. The excuses I can give are and will never be justifiable, either. All I ask and want now more than anything after these years..." He pauses, his mind thinking of one thing and one thing only. Regaining his thoughts, he speaks again. "Is peace for us all. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way."

Princess Peach is surprised by his words; she stays silent as long as he continues to express his feelings.

"With that aside, I'd like to express my deepest apologies to you and your people." Bowser looks at her while telling her this, meaning every word.

Peach has always looked down upon the Koopa King and his unlawful actions for as long as she can remember, yet he looks as vulnerable as an old tortoise, and his words sound genuine enough to believe. "Go on," She encourages him.

"From the time I tried to kidnap you to the time I did and tried to force you to marry me."

That sentence makes both of them cringe, recalling that past event.

"If (F/n) hadn't stopped it, I still would have gone through with it, but neither of us would've been happy."

Peach nods, agreeing with him.

"You're not the only one who's put me in my place about my conflicted emotions..." Bowser painfully admits, his gaze falling on the treaty before him. "I searched for happiness in places and people who didn't have what I wanted, not because they couldn't provide it, but because the problem was me..."

The princess inhales deeply; her former dislike almost dissolving into nothing. "You didn't love me; you loved the thought of me." Peach says firmly, giving a small smile.

Bowser chuckles nervously. "That's what (F/n) said too..."

"She's truly a wonder, isn't she?"

He nods firmly. "Without a single doubt..."

Peach adjusts herself in her seat and clears her throat. "Before we get off track again, I'll give you a brief breakdown of the treaty, and we'll go from there."

The Koopa King's prepared to listen, read, and go over whatever words he had to obey.

With strength like never before in years, Bowser is ready for anything and anyone he's thrown at.

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