[57] Taking A Breather

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As they journey back to the Dark Lands, Kamek tends to Bowser's wounds, healing them and leaving no trace of past injuries.

After a while, the man is reunited with his Koopalings, who eagerly run towards him with great joy. 

Bowser embraces the children with open arms, savoring the warmth of their love.

In the midst of their family moment, Junior's innocent voice chimes in. "Where's (F/n)?" He asks, his tone curious and eager. 

Everyone pauses as if caught off guard by the question. 

"Didn't you save her, papa?"

Bowser's expression falters momentarily, but he quickly regains his composure. "Of course, son... (F/n) just needs some time to herself right now. She's safe with Princess Peach back at the Mushroom Kingdom," He answers, hoping to dispel his son's worries.

The Koopalings are brimming with curiosity, each eager to ask their father a million questions. 

However, it is Larry, the eldest Koopaling, who steps forward. "Let's let dad rest. He's had a long day." 

Bowser smiles at Larry and affectionately ruffles his blue hair. "Thanks, kiddo." 

The siblings follow the boy's lead, heading in the opposite direction to distract themselves in the meantime. 

As Bowser made his way to his room, he let out a deep sigh of relief. 

Despite the lingering unfinished business on his mind, the man is filled with a sense of calm. 

After many years of struggle, Aoi was finally put in his place, and his children were safe. 

Laying down on his bed, the Koopa King murmurs your name, his thoughts drifting away, and he falls asleep. 

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

It's the morning after Aoi's defeat, and your rescue proved to be rather odd. Not in a bad way, per se, but as if the reset button was hit, and you woke up at your home after what felt like forever. 

Your mind and body still ache, but it's less than before. Taking your time to wake up fully, you head to the castle. 

The guards quickly let you in, and Peach and Daisy were waiting for you in the courtyard gardens. 

You haven't been there since you and Peach talked about Bowser.

The conversation you two had that set in stone for every event has led everyone to this moment.

An empty seat is reserved for you at the table where the two princesses await your presence. 

"(F/n)!" They exclaim happily from afar, quickly approaching, and sit in your seat across from them. 

"How are you feeling?" Peach asks. 

"Like a million coins!" You reply merrily. "A good sleep fixes most problems." 

Daisy grins. "Are you sure it isn't because your big hunk saved you, is it~?" She questions with a smirk. 

Peach holds in a laugh as you playfully roll your eyes. 

"Geez, it's not like that..." 

The two girls raise a brow at you, forcing you to glance away as your face slowly turns red from embarrassment. 

"In any case," Peach changes the subject to avoid pushing your limits. "Everything appears to be in order, and all that's left is to ensure it stays that way for many years." 

"How so?"

Peach and Daisy look at each other and then at you. 

"With a peace treaty ball!" They say in sync, which slightly startles you. 

"In celebration, we invite all kingdoms to witness the peace treaty we'll make with the Koopa Kingdom. It will also mean a big step in hopefully stopping their reign of terror across the lands." Peach says with a smile. 

"That's great!" You comment on the idea. 

"Yep! So, slap on your party shoes because this will be a big event!" Daisy exclaims, shaking the table, but not enough to flip it over. 

"Indeed. I have already sent out the invites, and all we have to do is wait for the responses, prepare the venue, and be ready for the big day!" 

You three cheer and eat breakfast while mending any lingering fear or bitterness from these past few days. 


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