[38] Aid From Primates

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Through trial and error, Princess Peach puts the two brothers to the test before they consider heading out.

They're from an entirely different world, but were they capable of handling the struggles of this one?

It's clear as day Luigi isn't as agile and brave as Mario, so you, Peach, Toad, and Luigi watch him as he goes through the obstacle course that's set up with power-ups to see if he has even the slightest chance of going against an opponent stronger and possibly bigger than him.

Within the four, Peach is Mario's top supporter. Times when she should have given up on him, she didn't because she's just like that.

You don't want to speculate since everyone technically just met each other not long ago, but you had a feeling that their friendship could go closer than you think. You thought it was cute. She stated before Bowser is and will never be her type, so it was a possibility this mustachioed man could change that, but you didn't want to overthink it.

It took him a few days, but he somewhat got the hang of it.

And you hate to admit it, but watching him was entertaining. Not because of how many times he failed but because of how many times he got back up.

Luigi's the opposite, but you feel deep down that he's capable of much more than he lets on.

When the time came, the journey to the Jungle Kingdom proved to be a tough one. It's tougher, almost if not as challenging, as when you take your frequent exploration trips. Although you've covered a large chunk of the world, no time is ever enough since you didn't dare to try to step foot near the Jungle Kingdom due to its wild reputation, like how the Koopa Kingdom was feared by all at the near mention of its ruler Bowser.

Unfortunately, one of the many places that must be passed through to reach the destination would consist of the fire flower fields.

You let out a long, heavy sigh as you sit down against the tree where it technically all began.

Toad sets up a campfire, and the brothers look around in amazement at the flowers that are fueled by fire.

Peach sneaks away for a second and sits down next to you. "(F/n), are you sure you want to continue this journey? You've been through plenty already."

"I'm fine, I swear." You reply. "Although, if I think about it too much, I might break down." You admit truthfully, looking the other way.

The princess frowned, wanting to comfort you after that response, but decided not to push it further. "If you say so." Peach gets up and talks to the brothers.

You already did your fair share of conversing while the three of you traveled to the Mushroom Kingdom. And as much as you are curious, you're still rather hurt by the outcome of everything.

No matter what path I take, it always leads back to here...

You reminisce about the first time you saw Bowser and Junior. Recalling collecting flowers with the Koopalings to lift their father's spirits.

You put your knees together and pull them close to your face, resting your head on them.

I wonder how they're all doing right now...

"(F/n)!" Toad calls out to you, snapping you out of your depressed state of mind. "The food is ready! Join us!"

You sigh, internally laughing at yourself, thinking about how you must have appeared to the group. Shaking off the sadness away, you get up and sit with them across the campfire.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

You four arrive at the giant entrance of the Jungle Kingdom. Everyone nods, and Peach steps forward to grab the door handle, grasping it and giving it a good two knocks.

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