[46] Apols

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As Bowser slowly removes his hands from his face, his eyes meet yours. Noticing you standing nearby, watching him closely. A sudden embarrassment washes over him, and his face turns a deep shade of red. He looks away, ashamed of everything he's done and how you must perceive him.

After a moment of hesitation, the man finally stands up and walks towards you. 

Witnessing the remorse in his eyes as he approaches. Despite his imposing size, he appears to be in a vulnerable state. 

You gulp and prepare to hear what he says.

But an obstacle blocks his way before he reaches you.

A certain mustachioed person. "You, pal, have a lot of nerve!" Mario stands in the way and points aggressively at him. 

He, Luigi, and Donkey Kong arrived through the conflicts below.

"You almost killed us! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Bowser raises a brow and laughs in his face. "But no one did die, did they?"

"That's not the point!" 

"Besides," The man points to the power-up he took. "I don't think you have room to talk dressed like that."

Mario glances at his tanooki tail and groans. "Just you wait, turtle man." He huffs, turning away and walking off.

"Turtle man?" Bowser questions.

You giggle. "I think he was referring to your cape." 

The man shrugs. "Figures, but I can't believe he threatened me." He folds his arms and sighs.

"Once you get to know him and his brother, Luigi, they're great people."

"I'll have to take your word for it." Bowser pouts, glancing in the other direction. "So, um..." He begins scratching the back of his head. "About this whole ordeal-."

"Don't think for a second you're out of the woods yet, Koopa King!" Daisy enters the fray at the front of the entrance. "Look at this mess!"

"Yeah, that's right!" Cranky Kong backs up the conversation as Donkey Kong lets him out of the cage. Waving his cane at him. "You've got a lot of nerve! Terrorizing everyone for years, decimating kingdoms, you have to pay for your actions!" 

All opposing forces against the Koopa King and his army are targeting Bowser. 

Everything might be fine, but in harsh reality, they're right. 

He has done terrible things for so long, but with this temporary surrender, it was time to pay the piper.

Amidst a heated argument, Bowser finds himself surrounded by everyone who is not on his side. The cacophony of voices yelling back and forth is overwhelming, drowning out any chance for him to be heard. Nevertheless, he tries to defend himself calmly without losing his temper. However, the constant barrage of scolding begins wearing him down. As the weight of his actions and decisions finally dawn on him, the man struggles to find the words to respond. With each passing moment, Bowser's ability to articulate his thoughts and feelings slowly erodes until he's left speechless, unable to do anything but absorb the insults hurling at him.

If he had an actual shell, he'd retract back into it and never come out.

You didn't want to interfere, but the overlapping arguing was becoming too much for your ears to handle. "All right, enough!" You yell as loud as you can, making everyone stop talking. You stand in front of Bowser between him and the rest. "This is not how we're going to resolve this mess! Some arrangements for a proper meeting must be planned and resolved with a peace treaty. Reprimand him all you want and insult him all you can, but it won't change anything he's done! Nothing will..." You say sadly. "But if we all band together, I'm sure we can figure something out for all of us." You smile. "I'm no monarch, but I'm certain this mess can be cleaned up. Without any more fear and destruction..."

Bowser observes you as you speak. His almost scared demeanor diminishes as he sees you stand up for him. 

You didn't have to, but oh boy, did you act without thinking when it came to him. 

The man places a hand on your shoulder, making you glance at him.

"It's okay, (F/n)," He says, his voice low and contrite. "I've done terrible things that I can never make right. I acted on my unchecked emotions and caused people to lose their homes and live in fear. I didn't care because I thought it would make me feel better." He pauses, then looks up at Princess Peach. "I want to apologize to you, to your citizens." He turns his tame gaze back to you. "And you, (F/n), deserve the biggest apology." His words hang in the air, heavy with regret. 

Your eyes widen in surprise as the man speaks, feeling the sincerity in his voice.

"And thank you, I can take it from here. You've done enough. And I'm truly, deeply sorry..."


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