[11] First Day: ✔

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The Koopalings follow alongside you, continuing to ask you many things at once. Your patience remained intact, surprisingly. 

However, everyone was stopped by the Koopa King, who popped out of a nearby room inside the hallways. "You're all back on time, good." He expresses first before looking directly at you. "And you, you still have lots of work to do."

You chuckle nervously. "Yes, I know..."

Bowser stares back at the group of children. "And kids, start getting ready for bed. I'll be with you all shortly."

"Okay, dad!" They all say together and hurriedly depart.

Lemmy turns back first and yells out, "Thank you, (F/n)! Have a good night!"

"Yeah, we hope to see you again soon!" Larry adds his farewell, and the others follow suit.

"Thanks, kiddos! Likewise to all of you!" You happily shout with a big smile as they disappear into their rooms. Glancing back at Bowser, you clap your hands. "Okay, what's the plan? I feel like so much has happened within a few hours..." You admit shyly. "But I like it! A lot more eventful than at the Mushroom Kingdom."

"I'll say..."  He turns away, his cape facing you, and you catch a better glimpse of his exterior from behind. 

Broad shoulders, probably strong, too... 

I want to climb that like a tree...

You begin fantasizing then you are snapped away from it when Bowser speaks up. 

"Follow me. We'll discuss your duties more."

You follow his lead and walk in the opposite direction of the Koopalings. "I never realized how big this place is..." You take in every corner of the castle to familiarize yourself with your new surroundings.

"The castle is enormous, so I don't expect everything to be clean. Your main priority is to focus on new ideas for Princess Peach and her kingdom." 

You walk behind him and listen to what he has to say. 

Always thinking about Peach...

This man is smitten. 

"Understood..." You utter with a sad tone.

Bowser turns around and asks, "What? What's wrong?"

"Huh?" You raise your head and meet his gaze. His cold yet fiery one. 

"I asked what's wrong. What was with that tone? Did I say something you didn't like?" 

"How did you-?" You shake your head. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. You must have heard wrong..." 

He sneers. "Sure..." 

Your look falls to the ground again, heavy with fatigue slowly creeping back in.

Bowser notices and sighs. "I won't hold you here too long." He stops in front of your room. "You've had an eventful day." He motions to the door. 

"Agreed, but I've enjoyed it! It keeps me on the edge of my toes." You happily confess, causing Bowser to raise a brow. "It also makes me excited for the pending future..." You rub your hands together. 

"You're odd..." He emits the words impulsively, only to regret them once they leave his lips.

You laugh nervously. "I get that a lot..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."

"It's okay, really!" You respond, anticipating the apology that typically follows the previous comment. "I take it as a compliment now since I've heard it so much. I've learned to embrace it. So, don't worry. It's better than being average and boring, right?" You wink. 

Bowser breathes a sigh of relief as you smile brightly. "I appreciate your patience with my children. All of them together can be overwhelming..." He places his giant hands on his hips. "They didn't ask you anything out of line, did they?"

You gulp softly, nervous about his unknowingly attractive movements. "No, of course not. Why?"

"I want to ensure everything is okay. Children can sometimes act out when their parents are not present."

You nod. "I see, fair enough to think that. But no. They were all very kind and considerate."  

"Glad to hear it..." Bowser closes his eyes and breathes out heavily. "You wouldn't mind me adding to your required duties, would you?"

"What is it exactly?" You tilt your head. 

"Being there when it's needed for my Koopalings..." The man's voice trails off. A faint blush arises on his tan complexion. "It's always been somewhat challenging to keep track of them. I've gotten used to it through the years, but with things occurring lately, I don't want them to feel neglected..."

You understood his intent even if Bowser had trouble finding the right words. 

He didn't want you to get the wrong idea. 

"Yes, Bowser. I'd be more than happy to." You quickly detain him from saying any more, seeing him struggle. "I've only known them and Junior briefly, but I can already tell they are wonderful kids. You're doing an amazing job as a single parent so far." That seemed to strike a nerve without trying.

Bowser scoffs. "Yeah, whatever..."

"Um... I'll take my leave now to rest. You have a good night." You bow slightly, your eyes avoiding his. "Remember to take it easy every once in a while. Regardless of your royal status, your highness." You leave the man to be with his lonesome without saying another word. Closing the doors behind you at your new quarters. You lean against them inside once they are shut tight. 

I never would have guessed that someone so love-struck with the princess would be so sour and hard to speak to...

A grin makes its way to your face. 

But that makes me want to get to know him better even more! 

You skip around the room and begin organizing whatever you have on hand.


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