[4] On Your Merry Way

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You finish telling your story and look up from the map. You hesitate to meet Peach's gaze but gather the courage and do it anyway. To your surprise, instead of seeing concern or disgust on her face, you witness the opposite.

Tears stream down the princess's face. Her reaction takes you aback. Peach wipes away her tears with a handkerchief and sniffles. "I'm sorry..."

You remain quiet and observe her.

"I didn't mean to cry..." She fans her eyes and regains her composure. "Your story moved me, and how you narrated it made me believe that you truly have faith in the potential for positive change even in the most troubled individuals." Peach sighs and smiles. "Like the feared Koopa King."

You rub your hands together nervously.

"And don't worry, this won't make me fall for Bowser. There are a hundred reasons why I personally don't like him that way." She laughs. "But that doesn't mean that there isn't a sliver of hope that you could have a chance of changing his ways... And for that, I offer you this proposal that I promised."Peach maximizes the land, making it larger. "It's more of a task if I were, to be honest, but it's so crazy just like yourself in a good way that it might work."

Your eyes fill with curiosity and anticipation. "What is it?"

She sighs heavily. "If you were to go to Bowser directly and offer yourself to him to be of a valuable source, he could take you under his wing, and just then, you can see what he truly is, regardless of what you saw that night." Peach pauses, possibly rethinking her next choice of words. "He may be a good person to the ones he cares about, but to other people with no real attachment to him, he wouldn't think twice about decimating the Mushroom Kingdom or the universe itself. And that's what worries me."

You gulp.

Despite everything you feel, she wasn't wrong about that.

"It's a gamble, but I'll allow you to head there and see for yourself."

You unconsciously began to bounce up and down lightly. "Are you serious, Peach?"

The princess sees your excitement rising by the minute. Afraid that you would explode, she tries wrapping up the conversation. "You might be able to convince him by saying that you may or may not be able to help out with conquering this kingdom and winning my heart, I suppose." She rolls her eyes. "I'll only allow you to do this under certain conditions."

You nod your head eagerly.

"One: You will do as instructed and not overstep your welcome. I trust you know what that regards." She raises a brow. "Two: You will not engage in anything that will harm the kingdom or its citizens, yourself included, most of all. That includes giving out info about our resources too. Three: You will never lose sight of what matters if things go the way you plan with Bowser, and if he does have a change of heart for the greater good, then..." Peach tightens her clenched fists. "Then, I'll have no choice but to let you go, but I won't jump to that conclusion yet. It would be a shame to lose someone like you here. With that being said, what do you say, (F/n)?"

You are beyond delighted by her words and a little concerned about her demands which were fair enough; she is the princess. After all, she's the lone ruler after being your friend, and you can't disobey orders. As you consider the prospect of being near Bowser, your heart races. However, you recognize that your assignment comes first and mustn't allow your emotions to interfere.

Taking a deep breath, you get down on one knee and gently grasp the princess's glove hand. "I convey that it'll be an honor to serve the kingdom in any way possible, and after fulfilling my duties, I will seek the truth I desire." You assure her that everything will work out for the greater good.

The exchange nearly brings the princess to tears again, but she holds them back for a more appropriate time. "Whether it's here or there, I know you can succeed as long as you follow your heart." Peach says sweetly, placing her free hand on your head.

You let go, stood up, and smiled at her.

"If all goes well, you will leave at dawn to get a head start and make it there by the afternoon."

"Thank you, Peach." You shake her hand. "If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave now." You put on your hat and sprint towards the door, forgetting to close it though the princess pays no mind to such things knowing your current excitement.

Peach has her doubts, of course, but she trusts you, and that's all that she needs for her to feel comfortable letting you go on your own again, especially towards the land that no one dares to step foot into to a certain extent, not even herself, unless she had to.

And before either of you knew it, the day of departure arrived.

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"We're going to miss you, (F/n)!" One of the many toads surrounding you expressed tearfully.

Of course, the toads can't be left in the dark after one of their most beloved was to disappear for a good while. But the only thing they were told not to scare them was that you were headed out on an essential mission across the lands. If the princess told them what was going on, they would object.

"Please settle down." Princess Peach told the citizens, and they obeyed without question. They made a pathway leading to you so she could greet you easily. "The time has come, (F/n). Are you nervous?" She questions.

"A little, but there are always other emotions stronger than fear." You grin to ease the nerves between you and her.

The girl chuckles at your response. "Happy to hear it."

"But I do have a question. If that's okay,"

"Go ahead."

"If everything goes according to plan, in the end, I will have to tell Bowser what's going on. How would I go about that?"

Peach thinks about this for a second. "When and if that day does arrive, I think you'll know what to say and do. You don't need guidance from me for that. Okay?" She lightly shakes your shoulders. "But if he does anything to hurt you, we will destroy him." She says fiercely, pounding her fists together. 

You laugh. "Of course." You two hug each other tightly.

"Do you have everything?"

You motion towards your backpack, which only contains several needed items. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Excellent." The princess nods happily and takes hold of your hands. "Whenever you need to come back, we'll be here. Whether that be a few months from now, weeks, days, or even tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes, Peach. Thank you again." You give her one more quick hug, say your goodbyes to the toads, and say what you think is a temporary goodbye to the Mushroom Kingdom.

They all wave, and the princess is at the center of them all, though through her smile, watching you, you can sense a hint of sadness as you walk away from all you've ever known.

This change will be drastic, but I'll never forget the good I will carry with me from here on out, and I hope for an even greater future.


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