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Colby's POV

"How are you guys feeling?" I asked as Jenna and Carter quietly sat on the hospital bed in the middle of the room.

"I don't want them to die." Jenna said as I shook my head. "Nobody is dying. Not today." I said as the door opened and a nurse came in.

Sam followed behind with an orange cast on his arm.

He looked like he was a little beat up but as soon as he saw me his eyes lit up.

"When did you get here?!" He asked and ran over to hug me. "Just a couple minutes ago. How are you feeling, bud?" I asked and hugged him.

"I'm in pain but they gave me this cool cast." He said and held up his arm.

"Very cool." I said with a sigh. "How are you so calm?" Carter asked as Sam shrugged. "The doctors gave me medicine." He said as I nodded.

"Makes sense. Sit down." I said then helped him sit on the bed next to his siblings.

We sat around for a little while before the door opened and a nurse came in. "Hey, guys. How are you feeling?" She asked as the kids all mumbled their responses.

"I know. You're probably feeling a little sore. You've been through a lot." The nurse said then turned to me.

"Can I speak to you in the hallway?" She asked as I nodded and turned towards the kids.

"Are you guys gonna be okay?" I asked as they nodded.

There was a fear and broken look in their eyes that I had a feeling would be there for a while.

I couldn't imagine how scary this crash was for them and the fact that their baby sister and older sister were fighting for their lives was scary as well.

I didn't know how to comfort them because I knew there was no way to comfort them.

One, because I sucked at shit like that and two, there was nothing I could say to help this situation.

"We'll be okay." Jenna said eventually as I nodded. "I'll be right back." I said then went into the hallway with the nurse.

"Addie just got out surgery and it went well, the doctor wants to go over some things in her room." She explained as I nodded.

"Any updates on Briana?" I asked as she nodded. "We'll go over that after we update on Addie." He said as I nodded and followed her down the hallway.

We went down the hallway and towards the pediatric wing until we got to Juniper's room.

I felt my heart break, looking at her lifeless little body on the bed. The once smiley little girl, looked bruised and battered with a small frown on her face.

"The doctor will be in in just a moment." The nurse said then left the room. "Oh, Juniper." I said and walked over to the bed brushing her curly hair back from her forehead.

I sighed and took her hand as the door opened revealing Dr. Pitt.

"The surgery went well. We did a couple scans and there doesn't seem to be any brain damage. We did surgery on those broken ribs so she'll be in some pain but she's gonna be okay." He explained.

"Thank god." I said with a sigh. "We can go over recovery steps once she's awake." He said as I nodded.

"Do you have an update on Briana?" I asked as he nodded. "She's out of surgery. We're not positive about her cognitive function but we'll do more tests when she wakes up." He said as my heart sank.

"Can I go see her?" I asked as he nodded. "Can I bring the other kids to sit in here with their sister?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah. Briana's room is two fifteen. Go ahead whenever you're ready." Dr. Pitt said then left.

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