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"Is that-?" Colby asked as his face went white. "I think so." I said and looked at the amount of liquid that was on the ground.

"Oh god...okay." He said with a panic in his tone. It was something I have never seen from him, so it was causing me to panic slightly.

"We need to clean this up." I croaked out as my body contracted. "Ooohhhh..." I said and put my hands on my belly.

"Call the doctor. I have to call the doctor. Right?!" Colby said as I clenched my jaw. "Pull it together, Colby. I can't have you being a little bitch on me now." I snapped.

"You're right. God, I'm sorry. You're right." He said then came over to me, his face relaxing.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently, taking my face in his hands. "It hurts but it's manageable. We have to time it." I said as he nodded.

"Im gonna call the doctor then Sam so he can come here and watch the kids." He said as I nodded.

"I have to shower." I said as he grabbed his phone. "Want me to come with? Are you gonna be okay?" He asked, his tone serious.

It was funny how quickly he could pull himself together and how he could switch to gang leader Colby in a flash.

"I'll be fine." I said then went to go upstairs. I thought when your water broke it would just be a little bit but I was literally gushing with every step.

"Fuck me." I grumbled as another contraction hit. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself together but it was far from comfortable.

When I got to the bathroom I got undressed then looked in the mirror, taking in the last bit of being pregnant.

It was such a bittersweet thing, because I loved being pregnant and having her in me was such a special experience.

I was so uncomfortable though and carrying her was taking a huge toll on my body. I also couldn't wait to see her.

I already knew I would love her more than I loved anything in the world, but I was excited to get to know her and care for her.

I couldn't wait to hold her.

I felt myself getting really emotional as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"The doctor sa- are you okay?" Colby asked as he came into the room quickly, stopping when he saw me crying.

"I'm gonna miss being pregnant." I whimpered as he breathed a laugh. "You scared me." He said with a small laugh and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know it's going to be tough to transition from being pregnant to having a baby but once she's here, it's all gonna be worth it." He said then kissed my head.

"Plus I can always get you pregnant again,
Don't you worry about that." He said with a laugh.

"We'll see how this birth goes." I said then pulled away. "What did the doctor say?" I asked then went to turn the shower on as a contraction hit.

"She said to come in when the contractions get to around five minutes apart and last about fourty five seconds or if they become unbearable." He said as I nodded, breathing through the pain.

"Is Sam on his way?" I asked then got in the shower. "Yes. He's on his way and should be here in the next hour or two." He said as I washed my body, trying to relax under the water.

"Okay. God, we owe him." I said as Colby chuckled.

"He loves it and loves us. I'm gonna go pack the car up and clean up the floor downstairs. When you're out of the shower just relax, okay?" He asked as I nodded.

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