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"Sissy!!!" Juniper squealed as she ran down the hallway. "Woah, what is happening?" I asked as she rushed into the room.

"I get to see my dollys today!!!" She said with excitement as I smiled. "I know, isn't it exciting?" I asked and zipped up my bag.

"Are we gonna have to leave again?" She asked with an innocence that made my heart actually ache.

"Not for a while. But we'll eventually move again if that's okay with you." I said as she frowned.

"I don't want to." She pouted causing me to sigh and put my hand on her head, smoothing her hair down.

"What if I told you that you would never have to go by the name Addie again. You could just be Juniper all the time." I said as she smiled.

"Really?" She asked as I nodded. "Really." I said as Colby came into the room.

"Colby, guess what!?" Juniper asked excitedly. "What?" Colby asked with confusion. "I get to be Juniper all the time!!" She said causing him to chuckle.

"Alrighty then." He said as I breathed a laugh. "I told her about the possibility of us moving." I said as he nodded.

"Does this mean she's going to help me pick the house?" Colby asked as Juniper nodded. "I want a biiiiiiiig room. And a swimming pool." She said as Colby chuckled and grabbed my bag for me.

"We'll see what we can do." He said then looked up at me. "The other kids are ready so I'll get them all in the car then come up and help you." He explained as I nodded.

"I'll wait here." I said then sat on the bed while he took Juniper's hand and lead her out of the room.

Today we were going back to Texas to restart our life a little bit. I was still in a lot of pain and I was really weak sometimes but I was slowly getting better.

I was still feeling very uneasy, not knowing what fully happened to me and why I was in so much pain, but I didn't want to question it.

We were trying so hard to put all of this behind us since I was now essentially untouchable.

Of course there was a chance that someone would eventually come after me but considering nobody came after the original four for fifty plus years, I felt like I had time before that happened.

We were officially thirty weeks along with the pregnancy which meant the baby was almost here. I had gotten in contact with my OB so I could get in for a much needed check up.

It was hard to explain to her why I've been so MIA, but she seemed to be understanding.

I wasn't able to fly since I was now considered high risk, so we were going to road-trip our way back to Texas.

It was going to be an interesting ride, considering we were going to have four kids stuffed in a car with a cranky pregnant person for a whole ass day, but we were willing to do it for the safety of the baby.

Obviously we would stop and rest but I had a feeling the charm of a road trip would die down very quickly.

I was excited to get back to our house which has been abandoned for so long.

I was excited to set up a nursery for our girl and I couldn't wait to meet her.

This pregnancy has been hard so far and has been extremely unique considering I was running around killing people instead of setting up a nursery or having a baby shower.

Our daughter was strong though. I was so afraid she wouldn't make it but she beat all the odds so far.

I couldn't wait to meet her.

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