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Our stay at the hospital was far from fun. I was glad that Juniper was able to sleep and didn't suffer from any nightmares that I could see.

I was in so much pain and my mind was racing with unease. It was annoying and borederline sad that I was having a hard time sleeping without Colby here.

Since moving here I have spent every night with him by my side and I didn't realize how much comfort that he brought me on a day to day basis.

Spending a night without him made my paranoia worse than it's been.

When the sun finally came up, Colby eventually came to the hospital.

I was surprised he didn't bring the kids with him but apparently they were down to go to school.

It kinda shocked me that they weren't going to at least take the day off but I didn't question anything.

"Alright, Briana. A couple things to go over before you leave." The doctor said as he grabbed my chart.

"I'm going to send your prescription to the pharmacy so you can pick it up on the way home. There will be seizure medication for you and pain medication for Addie." He said as I looked up at Colby.

I was nervous about narcotics being in the house but I wasn't going to let Juniper be in pain because of it

"No more driving until you can go at least six months without a single seizure." He explained as I nodded.

"As for the staples in your head. Keep those dry for the next couple days then for the next week or so clean them with hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. Come back in a couple weeks and we'll get those taken out." He said then sighed.

"Uhhh...as for your hip, stay in bed as much as possible. We'll send you home with some crutches to get around if you need to but seriously stay in bed as much as possible for the next month." He said as I looked at Colby, feeling overwhelmed with all this information.

Colby sighed and reached his hand down, caressed my cheek gently, before tuning back into what the doctor was saying.

I could hear the doctor talking by my mind felt like mush as my head throbbed with pain.

"Any questions?" The doctor asked as I shook my head. "Okay, I'll get those discharge papers going then you two are free to go." He said then left the room.

"I didn't hear half of that." I mumbled as Colby nodded. "I know, sweetheart. I got it all, don't worry." He said then looked over at Juniper.

"Ready to go home, kid?" Colby asked as Juniper nodded. "Can we get apple slices?" She asked sweetly.

"You want them again?" Colby asked and walked up to her. "And a toy." She said as Colby chuckled and smoothed her hair back against her forehead.

"We can do that." He said then looked up at me. "We can swing by and get you some Chinese food if you want, love." He said as I shook my head, causing a shock of pain.

"I wanna go home." I whispered, picking at my nails. I was sick of being in pain and I wanted nothing more than to be home.

It was hard knowing that the addiction monster which I had locked away was struggling against the cage.

I craved drugs and I craved the feeling of being numb.

I was in physical pain for sure, but the mental pain I was feeling was much worse,

Knowing what I did and how I could have killed us all was taking a toll on me. It was because I was selfish and insecure in my relationship with Colby.

I didn't realize how terrified I was about Colby leaving again. I realized that I turned his life upside down like he had done to me multiple times.

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