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Colby's POV

My heart broke for Julia. I knew she was trying so hard to stay strong for me but I could hear how broken she was.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to be with her and tell her everything would be alright but I needed to stay here until I knew it was safe to go back.

The people we were working with were clearly pretty dangerous and I wasn't about to risk the people I loved

The chances of this plan involving Julia or the kids was slim to none, but it was still a possibility and I wasn't going to risk anything.

The next couple days were tedious, none of us really knowing what to do or what to expect. It wasn't until another note showed up outside of the office.

"Let me see." I said as Jake handed me the note. "It makes no fucking sense again." He said and handed me the paper. On this note four numbers, 4985.

"It's the start of an address." I said and looked at Sam's computer. I wanted so desperately to log into it and see what he's been working on behind the scenes.

I remember when I was in this office and in this gang I would talk directly to other people with no consultation with the others.

When you're in charge there are so many things going on behind the scenes and it was usually fine for it to be closed interactions.

The fact that Sam was missing and there was no sign of where he could be meant there was a lot of information on this computer.

I just wished I could figure out the fucking password.

"How do you know?" Corey asked as I shrugged. "I used to be fucking good at this shit." I said and leaned back.

"Hey, you're still good at it." Jake said as I nodded. "Yeah, this is an impossible situation and you're six months into retirement. Don't be so hard on yourself, man." Nate said as I nodded.

"I just wish you could hack into his computer." I said as he sighed. "I would hack into it if I could. We set it up so nobody gets in. If I could hack it, so could others." He said as I nodded.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, so I pulled it out seeing that Julia was FaceTiming me. "Alright, everyone out." I said blandly.

"Ooooo he's gotta have phone sex with his girlfriend." Corey teased. "Yeah, we gotta go because she's gonna be moaning his name in a second." Jake said as I rolled my eyes.

"OUT." I said and pointed towards the door. "He doesn't scare me like he used to." Jake said as they slowly left the room.

"Don't say shit like that, he'll literally kill us." Corey said as I nodded.

I thought about pulling a gun on them just now to show I wasn't one to fuck with but I think they knew that.

Just because I haven't really been overly aggressive didn't mean it wasn't there deep down.

Once they were gone I answered the phone to see Julia's face pop up. I couldn't help but notice that her eyes were bloodshot as if she had just got done crying.

"Hey, sweetheart. Are you okay?" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said with a small smile. "I can tell you've been crying." I said as she looked away.

"Everything is fine. I just watched a sad movie with Jenna." She said then panned the camera over to Jenna.

"Hi, Colby." She said with a wave. "Hey, Jen. How are things going there?" I asked as she looked at Julia. "Just fine." She said then finally looked at me.

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