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"So what exactly is our plan?" I asked and sat across from Sam.

"Well I mean...nothing has happened yet so maybe we can just ride it out?" He suggested as I shook my head.

"I don't want to prolong this. It's gonna be hard enough having Christmas down here." I said and leaned back.

"So what do you suggest?" He asked as I sighed. "I don't know. It may be stupid but it worked the last time." I hummed as he scrunched his brow.

"What worked?" He asked and leaned back. "I went to the house and just knocked on the door." I said as he chuckled.

"Ya know, I always knew you were a badass but that's actually more badass than I thought." He said as I nodded.

"I'm desperate for normalcy. I know it's not gonna happen though." I said then looked up.

"If you wanna be on board then that's up to you. I'm gonna go tomorrow." I said then stood up.

"Woah, I'm not apposed to it, but we know what happened last time, are you willing to risk it?" He asked as I closed my eyes.

He was right.

Pops was dangerous and unhinged. He was the sole reason Colby was dead and he could kill me or anyone with no remorse.

However, he might be impressed by my bravery to attack this head on.

The crime world was full of men who would beat around the bush to pretend like they were being strategic but in reality they were scared.

I wasn't scared anymore.

"I'm going to do it, I need you to have full control over the safety of the kids though." I said after a few minutes of silence.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I nodded. "What about the baby?" He asked quietly. 

"I'll wear protection. I just want this nightmare to be over, Sam. They took Colby away from me, I don't know why they won't leave me alone." I said quietly.

"Because you come from a lot of power. Between your dad being Quill and your boyfriend being Colby, they know that you have a lot of leverage in the game." Sam explained.

"This is all a big game with a lot of power play. Although you don't want to be, you're a big player in the game." He said as I shook my head.

"And there's no way out." I mumbled as he nodded. "Then I guess I just have to play better than everyone else." I said then stood up.

"Thanks for the cake. I really appreciate you." I said with a sigh and picked it up so I could bring it to the kids.

"What's going on in your head, Jules?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nothing at this point. It's been a long day. I'm going to feed the kids some cake then go to sleep." I said as he sighed.

I knew he had the impossible task of reigning me in but at this point nothing mattered other than the safety of the kids.

I loved the baby in my belly but if I died it would die with me and we could be with Colby.

Of course I would rather have all of this go away but it didn't seem possible.

I had to take action.

I made my way down the hallway and towards the room we were staying in. When I opened the door, the kids looked up at me.

"Cake?" Juniper asked as I nodded. "I gotta go find some plates and forks." I said and set it down before turning to leave again.

"Julia?" Carter asked, causing me to stop and turn towards him.

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