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Everything was fuzzy.

My ears felt like they were filled with water as people mumbled around me. What were they saying?

I couldn't help but feel like I was dead since I wasn't feeling any pain. I just couldn't move or hear or see.

I was for sure dead or buried alive.

Time was at a standstill or at least that's what it felt like. It wasn't until I felt someone's hand for the first time that I had hope.

"I love you, Jules." Colby's voice echoed in my mind. "Come on guys." He said, his voice going distant.

Was he leaving?

He couldn't leave. I needed him.

When he was away I got hurt.

"Wait, Colby." Jenna said as I tried to move my body. I wanted them to see that I could hear them so they wouldn't leave.

"What's up?" Colby asked, his voice fading even more. "Can we get food on the way to the hotel?" Jenna asked as my heart sank.

My movements weren't showing up on their end.

"Yeah, of course." Colby said as silence enveloped me once again.

My mind and body went numb again, nothing making any sense.

Perhaps I was resting but also it felt like I was melting away into nothing.

Was I dying now?

I didn't want to die alone.

"Where is he?" A voice asked, my ears ringing once again. "Said he's on his way." Another voice sounded.

"I hope he makes it in time." The voice which I now recognized as Sam rang louder. In time for what?

"Hopefully." Nate said with a sigh as my ears rang. I wasn't able to comprehend what was happening but I was hyper aware of the fact that I couldn't feel the baby moving.

Did she not make it?

The idea of that caused my heart to ache. It was the first bit of pain I had in a while.

"Is she crying?" Nate asked as someone touched my face. "I know you can hear me, Jules. Colby's on his way, try to hang in there." Sam hummed as pain slowly started erupting from every inch of my body.

I had a sick feeling that my body was finally giving up on me and that I was going to die now.

I just needed to wait for Colby to get here.

I couldn't die without hearing his voice once more.

"I'm here. What's going on?" Colby's voice rang out frantically after what felt like forever. I felt myself actually let out a breath, knowing I could peacefully pass now.

He was here and I was okay with dying.

As long as I wasn't alone.

I could see the light burning in front of me, coaxing me to come closer. With every second I felt myself getting closer.

My body erupted with pain, every inch of it aching as the ringing in my ears intensified. I felt tears forming in my eyes as the light in front of me got brighter.

I expected the pain to go away but it didn't. Instead when I opened my eyes I was able to see Sam, Nate, and Colby standing by my bed.

I could feel everything all at once. The pain, the fear, the anger, the sadness.

All of it.

To my right I could see that I was attached to a bunch of machines, including ones that were connected to my belly.

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