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When I came back to it I was surprisingly still in the supply closet, however the door was wide open.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling the grogginess and fear that followed a seizure.

I haven't had a seizure in what felt like forever so I was extremely mad that it happened in the worst place ever and at the worst time ever.

I frowned then stood up, stumbling slightly. It must have been a pretty bad seizure considering how out of it I was.

Or maybe I was drugged.

I looked down at my body, looking to see if I was injured in any way but I didn't seem to be.

It was strange that nothing was wrong, considering the door was open which meant someone saw me.

The whole situation was off.

I pulled my gun out then slowly started making my way down the hallway.

"So you are that dumb." A man said causing me to turn around. "Woah, relax." The guy said as I pulled my gun on him.

"Who are you?" I snapped, trying to put on a harder persona even though I was feeling like absolute shit.

"I don't think that really concerns you, Juliana." He said then stepped closer, pushing my gun to point away from him.

"Follow me right this way." He said calmly then turned around. I took a deep breath then said a silent prayer before following him.

Everything was eerily calm, which was the exact opposite of what I was expecting. Everyone made it seem like they were going to murder me with no hesitation.

If that was the case I would already be dead.

I followed this man down the hallway until he opened the door revealing a giant space.

It made sense since this was a warehouse but I expected it to be filled with things.

Instead it was a wide open space with two people standing in the middle of the room. My mom and another man who I didn't recognize.

All the optimism I was feeling previously melted away when I saw they were both holding weapons.

"Juliana." Mom said as my eyes watered. "Why are you doing this?" I asked as she chuckled.

"I'm not doing anything. You did this to yourself." She snapped causing me to flinch back.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" I asked, watching as the guy standing next to my mother eyed me up and down.

It wasn't in a sexual way that he was staring at me, more so in a way that he was figure out my weak points, choosing where he would hurt me when he had the chance.

"It's not as fun when you want to die." The guy said as his eyes shined with excitement.

I noticed he was wearing a necklace with the same emblem that was on an email sent to Sam.

This was Gold.

"Where's Snake?" I asked, clenching my jaw. "Woah there, little girl. He'll have his time with you. We wanted first dibs before he finishes you off." Gold said as I shook my head.

Before either of them could make a move towards me I got down, rolling towards them both before slashing their ankles with my knife.

I knew this wasn't going to be a simple solution so I had to just go with it before running for my life.

I knew overall that this was the worst possible plan I could ever have but I was terribly scared.

Knowing that Snake still wasn't involved meant that what everyone said was true.

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