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Things were getting more and more tense with every day that passed.

Colby tried to keep everything to himself which only stressed me out. I didn't want him to bottle everything up because there would be a day that he exploded.

He was already generally in a bad mood and was pulling away from me.

I didn't know if it was because I did something wrong or if it was because he didn't want to be as close to me out of fear of me getting hurt.

Either way my heart ached for him.

I haven't done anything with the phone number I took from his office yet. I was trying to figure out how I was going to go about it, since I didn't want anyone to track my location.

If I was going to be involved I was going to be as safe as I could be.

"Julia, can we please just go outside for a minute?" Jenna asked with a sigh. "You'd have to ask Colby." I said and focused on Juniper's hair which I was braiding,

"He's just gonna say no." She said with a sigh. "Then the answer is no." I said the tied Juniper's hair.

"Ugh! This is torture." Jenna said as I nodded. "I know and I'm sorry." I said quietly. "Can we go on a walk down here?" Little Sam asked as I nodded.

"Yeah. That we can definitely do." I said then stood up. "Ugh." I grumbled as my legs cramped.

That was a new pregnancy symptom I've been facing lately.

I haven't had too many symptoms but some of the more intense ones were starting to come out of the woodwork.

Most of them were food cravings and aversions, but the physical symptoms were leg cramping and massive headaches.

"You okay?" Carter asked as I nodded. "Yep. Come on." I said then led the way out of the room.

I didn't like the idea of bringing the kids out of their little safe haven that was their room.

It was cruel to keep them trapped in there though.

We walked down the hallway and towards Colby's office. I didn't know where else to take them and Colby would have a better idea of that.

"He may be angry so cover your ears." I said to Juniper then knocked on his door.

"Ugh! What?" Colby groaned as he threw the for open hastily. "What are you guys doing down here?" He grumbled with annoyance.

"They wanted to take a walk and I don't know where to take them." I said quietly. "So you want me to do it?" He asked and raised his brows.

"I mean you don't have to." I said and met his steely gaze. "I don't have time." He said as I sighed.

"Fine." I said as Juniper whimpered slightly. "What's wrong?" I asked and looked down at her.

She was looking up at Colby with a fearful look on her face. It was almost as if she was actually afraid of him.

"Can you cool it?" I asked Colby angrily, causing his eyes to soften ever so slightly.

"Go to the gym. I'll be there in a second." He said then closed the door. "Someone's grumpy." Carter mumbled as I sighed. "Yeah." I said simply then took Juniper's hand and led the way down the hallway.

"Sissy, is he gonna make us go away?" Juniper asked as I shook my head. "No, love. He's not." I said then opened the door to the gym, seeing a couple guys working out.

"Out." I snapped at them causing them to look at me before getting up and turning to leave.

Once they were gone I let Carter and Sam go explore the room. "This isn't much better than the other room we were in." Jenna said as she plugged her nose.

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