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Colby's POV

My world crumbled as Julia fell to the ground. She was so injured and did so much fighting that I didn't know if she would make it.

"No." I whispered as I pushed Snake off of me so I could run to her.

Her body was covered in blood and her skin was pale and cold to the touch.

I tried to stop the bleeding on her neck while we were fighting. I tried to give her a chance to survive.

I knew things were bad. I knew she looked bad. I just needed her to pretend to be dead so I could finish Snake off.

If we're being honest I thought I would be able to take on Snake, knowing that Julia had killed every other target.

He was just too good.

"Jules." I gasped as I rushed to her. "Baby, you gotta wake up. Come on." I begged, pulling her lifeless body into my arms.

I could feel myself starting to break down, knowing she wasn't breathing.

"I need you, baby. I need you. You gotta wake up." I begged then started pressing on her chest, trying to get her heart to beat again.

Every time I would push on her chest, more blood would flow out of her wounds.

"No. No!" I cried out, trying to cover the wounds while still pressing on her chest. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" I screamed, sobs wrecking through my chest as I tried desperately to get Julia's heart to start again.

With every second I felt more and more hopeless, knowing that even if I got her heart to start I had no way of saving her.

"Oh god!" I cried out in agony, letting my head fall to her chest. I couldn't contain the sobs that were wrecking through my body.

I didn't want to give up on her but I couldn't help but feel like the world was caving in around me.

"Come on, sweetheart. Please, baby." I begged and leaned back, shaking her by the shoulders. Seeing her so lifeless was bringing a whole other sense to being angry.

I was angry that I got her roped into this. I was angry that I fell for all the lies.

I thought she betrayed me but when I saw her stabbing the ever loving fuck out of her mom I knew she wasn't lying.

I was manipulated and now it was my fault she was dead.

"God DAMNIT!" I screamed then punched Julia in the chest as hard as I could. It was the last attempt I had to start her heart.

And it worked.

I watched as she gasped in a large breath, but her eyes were still closed.

She was still sickeningly pale and her breathing was shallow.

Her heart was beating though.

"Julia. Oh god, wake up for me, sweetheart. I need you, darling." I begged and took her face in my hands.

"Colby!" Sam called out as he and Jeremy came rushing into the room. "Holy shit." He gasped, looking around at all of the dead bodies.

"You have to help me." I begged as they ran over. "Is she dead?" Jeremy asked with a melancholy tone.

"Almost. I just punched her back to life." I said as Sam shook his head. "I'm sorry?" He asked as I groaned.

"We don't have time for this, Sam! She's fucking dying!" I yelled as he nodded.

"We'll take her back to our base. I'll tell them to get a doctor down there immediately." Jeremy said then grabbed his phone as I pulled Julia into my arms.

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