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When we got home, we all silently made our way inside.

"I gotta talk to you guys." I said to Jenna and Carter. "I knew that was coming." Carter mumbled.

"Yeah, just meet me up in Carter's room." I said then looked at Colby as the twins went upstairs.

"Juniper, Sam and I are gonna run a quick little errand. Are you gonna be okay?" Colby asked as I nodded.

"Do I wanna know what you're up to?" I asked as he shook his head. "Probably not." He said then kissed my cheek.

"We'll be back. Call me if you need anything." He said as I nodded. "Okay, be safe. I love you guys." I said as Colby took Juniper's hand.

Once they were gone I went upstairs and to Carter's room.

"Hey." I said quietly as I walked into the room, sitting on the bed.

"I'm really sorry, Jule. I just...Jenna was so scared and upset. I shou-" Carter started but stopped when I raised my hand to stop him.

"You don't need to apologize, Carter. I'm beyond proud of you. I just want to know what happened." I said and looked at Jenna.

"We were talking and he asked if I wanted to play a game." She said quietly. "I said sure and he started touching my thigh.

I told him to stop but he just laughed and kept going further and further up my skirt." She said then shuttered.

I could feel the memories of the brothel playing in my head as she explained her experience.

I had to push those feelings down so I could help her.

"Carter saw and pushed him away, then he started to fight him." She explained as I nodded slowly.

"I need to make it very clear that you didn't do anything wrong. Neither of you did." I said and looked at both of them.

"Jenna, what happened to you was horrible and if I could strangle this kid I would. The fact Colby didn't kill him was amazing." I said with a sigh.

"I fully support you if you want to take action. I'll go with you to the principal and support you in any way you need." I said to Jenna.

"And I will fight for you if disciplinary action takes place. What you did was very admirable." I said then smiled.

"I love you, Jules. Thank you for being the best big sister ever." Carter said and gave me a hug. "You're an amazing mom." Jenna said with a sniffle.

"I'm your big sister and I'm going to protect you with all of my heart, even if it's against a 15 year old." I said as Carter chuckled.

"When he punched you I got nervous. They don't know how much of a badass you are." He said as I nodded.

"How's your face feeling? He got you good." Jenna said as I shrugged. "I'd take a punch in the face by a fifteen year old than a bullet by an old man." I said then stood up.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pee." I said causing Jenna to laugh.

"Baby bean is giving some revenge for faking her birth." She said as I nodded.

"Hey, it was a golden opportunity." I said then waddled out of the room so I could go to the bathroom.

I was so beyond proud of my siblings and felt horrible that it even happened. I knew it was going to be a difficult situation to navigate but I think Colby and I did a good job with it.

That kid was lucky he was walking away with what he did.

When I was done doing my business, I went into the nursery so I could set some stuff up and start packing the hospital bag.

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