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Colby's POV

Watching Julia be a mom was the best thing to ever happen to me. She was always such a great guardian for her siblings but the way she loved and cared for Maisie was another level.

I could tell she was exhausted. It was very obvious considering she needed to feed or pump every two hours. She never complained though.

She would get up without complaining then would still get the kids ready for school. I knew I was in love with her, but seeing her like this amplified it.

I was just so proud of her.

"Are we all going to pick up the kids?" I asked as Julia came into the room with Maisie in her arms.

"Yeah, it's their last day of school in Texas. They get the whole crew." She said with a small smile.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest, sweetheart?" I asked then gently caressed her cheek. "Absolutely not. I will sleep when I'm dead." She said with a laugh as Maisie fussed and looked up at me.

"I think she wants you." Julia said with shimmering eyes as she looked at me. "Of course she does, she's a daddy's girl through and through." I said and took Maisie from Julia.

I couldn't get over how small and fragile she was. I had this overwhelming feeling of needing to protect her. If anyone even came close to her I would kill them.

"Easy, killer." Julia said, breaking me from my thoughts. "Huh?" I asked as she breathed a laugh and grabbed the diaper bag.

"You got that look in your eye." She hummed as I grabbed the keys to the car.

"What look?" I asked innocently. "The one that would murder anyone who stepped close to Maisie." She said as I chuckled.

"I would." I said simply then got Maisie situated in her car seat. "I know you would." Julia said then opened the front door.

When we got to the car I got Maisie situated while Julia got settled in the front seat.

Once Maisie was clipped in, I got in the drivers seat and looked over at Julia. "Ready?" I asked and offered her my hand.

"Ready." She hummed and took my hand as I backed out of the driveway.

Juniper's school was only a couple miles from our house so it only took a couple minutes to get there but by the time I pulled up to the curb, Julia was fast asleep.

I knew I should have woken her so she could witness picking the kids up on their last day of school but she really needed the rest.

I waited in the car for a minute before getting out. I stayed closer to the car than usual because Julia and Maisie were in there.

When the kindergarteners were let out, Juniper squealed and ran towards me. "Hi best friend!!" She said as I grinned and scooped her up. "Hey first grader." I said as she gasped.

"No!!!!!" She screamed causing me to laugh. "You don't want to be a first grader?" I asked and set her down, internally laughing at the outfit she had chosen.

"No, they're old." She said as I nodded. "Yeah, maybe a little too old. We should probably hold you back." I said then walked her to the car. "Yep." She said with a nod as I crouched down.

"Okay, sissy and Maisie are sleeping so we have to be super quiet. Can you do that?" I asked as she nodded. "Like a mouse." She whispered causing me to grin.

"Perfect." I said then opened the door so I could help her get in the car. Once she was settled in I got in the driver's seat and looked over at Julia.

She was still fast asleep as she leaned against the window.

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