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Labor was hard.

It was a different beast than anything I've ever endured before.

Sure, I've been in a lot of pain before, but it was nothing compared to this.

Every couple minutes for hours I would contract, and my body would clench with pain. Every couple minutes, I would feel like I was going to die if I didn't get the pain medication.

It was only going to get worse though.

"Only four.." Dr. Moore said after checking my dilation.

"It has to be more. Check again." I begged, holding onto Colby's hand for dear life.

"You're progressing nicely, Briana. It may seem like you're not but it's not at a concerning pace." She explained as I cried.

"What can we do?" Colby asked with a sadness in his voice. "Maybe go on a walk around the hospital. I can set up a walking poll so we can keep you connected to everything." Dr. Moore suggested.

"What do you think, sweetheart?" Colby asked, looking at me.

"Anything. I'll do anything." I said quietly as Dr. Moore started setting everything up.

"You are doing so good. I know it doesn't seem like it, but you're taking this so well." Dr. Moore praised.

"She has a high pain tolerance." Colby said gently as I closed my eyes against the pain of another contraction.

I was angry that I was feeling so much pain. I was angry that because if I wasn't kidnapped by those fuckers who gave me my addiction, I would be flying high and enjoying myself.

My addiction wasn't my fault.

Once everything was set up, Colby helped me stand up.

"That's my girl, you're good." He encouraged as my legs shook.

"Oh god, I want her out of me." I mumbled as he kissed my head. "Soon, darling. So soon." He said as I took his hand and started walking.

When I wasn't contracting everything was fine. I felt like I would feel if I was on my period. Those contractions were no fucking joke though.

Colby and I walked around the hospital for a little while.

You could hear woman laboring in nearly every room and the ones that were screaming the loudest were the ones that scared me most.

"If I scream during birth will you tell me to shut up?" I asked causing Colby to laugh. "Absolutely not." He said and wrapped his arm around me.

"Probably smart." I said then stopped, closing my eyes tightly. "You're doing so good." Colby encouraged as I breathed through the contraction.

"I wanna lay down." I said with a sniffle as he nodded. "Okay, we'll go back now." He said then led the way back to the room.

When we got there, I got in bed, feeling my body shutting down once again. "Can you rub my back?" I asked quietly.

"Of course." Colby said with a small smile then helped me turn on my side so he could massage my back.

"Sissy!!" Juniper said as the door opened, revealing my siblings and Sam.

"Hey, guys." I said quietly, grasping onto the tail of the bed as my body ached with a contraction.

"How are things going?" Adult Sam said as they all came into the room. "She's four centimeters but doing amazing." Colby said as he continued massaging my back.

"How long until she has the baby?" Little Sam asked. "A long time." I said as Juniper came over.

"You look sad." She said as I reached over and caressed her cheek. "I'm in a lot of pain." I said quietly.

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