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Colby's POV

I couldn't wrap my head around what was freaking Julia out so much.

I knew she had to have had a horrible nightmare but she was much more freaked out than usual.

"What's going on? We heard Julia screaming." Sam said as I opened the door to see the three older kids staring at me with concerned looks on their faces.

"She had a nightmare. Can you guys distract Juniper for a minute so I can calm Jules down?"I asked as they all nodded.

"Come here, Juniper. I wanted to show you our super cool room." Jenna said as she went to collect Juniper. "Sissy!" Juniper sobbed out as Julia broke down.

"She's okay, kid. I just gotta help her for a second." I assured, going back to Julia who was still uncontrollably sobbing.

"Colby..." Juniper whimpered as I sighed. "Do you trust me?" I asked and took her hands. "Yeah." She pouted as I nodded.

"Then trust me that I'm gonna take care of sissy." I said as she nodded.

"I'll come get you in a little while." I said then watched as the older kids escorted her out.

Once they were all gone I went over to Julia, pulling her into my arms again.

"I did it!" Julia sobbed as she wrapped her arms tightly around me. "What did you do, sweetheart?" I asked, holding the back of her head protectively.

"I killed them." She whispered as my heart sank. "They were hurting you, Jules." I reminded as she looked up at me, her eyes bloodshot. "I killed my parents." She said with a broken tone.

I knew it was going to hit her fully at some point that she killed the two people that brought her into this world.

It wasn't fair that she had to live with the guilt when her parents hurt her in more ways than one.

Julia was falling down a slippery slope that I remembered falling into when I first started all of this.

When you quickly rise to the top there's a certain responsibility that you think you need to take on.

You think you need to be killing people who don't deserve to die. Julia was going through that times ten.

When I first started it was because I liked the power. I loved feeling like I was unstoppable and on the top of the world.

Julia was like this because she's been hurt time and time again by so many people that she didn't know how to handle it.

Everyone was a threat to her at this point, but nobody was at the same time.

"I know this is hard, sweetheart. I just need you to understand that none of this is your fault. Your parents were horrible people and you had no choice." I explained, running my fingers through her hair.

"I can't do it." Julia whispered shakily. "Do what?" I asked gently. "Take care of the kids." She said as my heart sank.

"Don't do that." I said and looked down at her. "You are an amazing sister, Julia. No matter how much you doubt yourself, you're always going to be a good sister and a good mom." I explained with a serious tone.

"I'll kill them." She whispered with so much fear that I could feel my heart actually breaking. "Juliana, stop." I said as she looked up at me.

"You're not a heartless killer. You never have been and you never will be." I said as her face went white, becoming an almost sickly yellow color.

"Julia?" I asked as her eyes zoned out slightly. "Julia." I said frantically as they rolled back, her body seizing violently. "Oh fuck." I gasped, positioning her so she wouldn't get hurt while she seized.

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