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I looked at the email for what felt like a million years before I stood up, pacing the room.

Part of me wanted to call Corey since I now fully knew that the kids could be involved.

The other part of me worried if I called them they would be even more on the radar.

"Okay....okay.." I whispered, putting my hand on my belly. I knew I needed to calm the fuck down or things would get bad.

"Jules?" Nate asked, causing me to jump and shriek. "Woah. Sorry, I thought you heard me open the door. What's going on?" He asked as I closed my eyes.

"I logged into Sam's computer." I said then opened my eyes and walked back over to the desk. "Already? You've been in here for like five minutes." He said as I shrugged.

"I don't know, I just guessed." I said then sat down. "Look at this though." I said and pointed to the screen. I then looked up at Nate, trying to see how he would react to the emails I just read.

"Oh shit." He said as I nodded. "Oh shit is right." I said then started looking through more emails.

"You have to stop. This is clearly a trap, Julia." Nate said as I nodded. "It's a trap and I don't care. We need to get to Sam and Colby sooner rather than later." I said, focusing on the screen.

"You're just as stubborn as Colby." He said as I nodded and stood up. "Yup. Get used to it." I said then grabbed the keys and a gun then started for the door.

"Where are you going?" Nate asked and started to follow me.

"For a drive to clear my head." I lied. "Stay here." I said and kept walking down the hallway, hiding the loaded gun in the waist band of my pants.

I knew I was being stupid and reckless but I honestly didn't give a fuck. I came here to make shit happen.

I wasn't about to wait for someone to come save the day.

When I got to the car I started driving down the familiar but also very unfamiliar roads.

This was the first time I have ever driven in LA. I've obviously been out and about while being here but someone was always driving me.

It was hard to remember where the big white mansion was that Nate brought me to just earlier today, but I was impressed when I found it.

My stomach ached with nerves as I got out of the car, staring at the unfamiliar house. Was I making a mistake by taking this on by myself?

There was really only one way to find out.

When I walked up to the door I pounded my fist on it with as much confidence as I could muster. It was shocking how quickly the door had opened.

"Well well well. That didn't take long." A random man said with a grin. "Come in, Juliana." He said causing a chill to run down my spine.

"Don't look so scared. Pops will be impressed by your bravery." He said then stepped to the side. "Come in." He said then gestured for me to walk.

I tried to keep the false confidence as I stepped into the house. Even if this was a mistake, I had to deal with the consequences.

"Have a seat." The guy said and pointed to the couches. "I'm not here to have afternoon tea. I'm here to get some fucking answers." I snapped with annoyance.

"I guess the rumor is true that you're a feisty one." He said with an unbothered tone then walked away.

I didn't feel like I was in any immediate danger but I guess the others didn't feel like they were either.

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