Kalos - Vacation

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Dendemille Town was a beautiful place. Built upun a mountain, with various rows of homey houses, with a great mill standing tall above them all. It was cute and picturesque! Delia loved the placed, especially the grand Pokemon Showcase Theater. They had decided to make a stop there, because Delia was interested on Pokemon Showcases and the earliest one was being held there.

It had been an amazing idea to do that. Ash and Delia got to watch young Aria, an amazing rookie performer and her Braixen, as they took the stage and dazzled everybody. Especially, the Ketchums. She won the Princess Key for sure, by a big margin!

However, the reason why Ash loved going to Dandemille Town, was not for the show or even for the town itself. The reason happened before they even reached the town! On their way there, Delia had to hit the breaks before running over a pokemon egg that had been rolling down the hills. Of course, Nephele rapidly gathered the egg in her wings and not allowed anyone close to it.

To everyone's surprise, the egg hatched before they even made it into Dendemille Town. It was a Noibat! A dragon! Ash could not believe his luck as he turned to his mother with his stronggest lillipup eyes. There was no way Delia wouldn't cave, her son was just too cute!

Of course, they allowed Noibat to stay. Especially, with how Nephele kept coddling him, almost as if she had laid him herself. So, Delia caught the pokemon for her son, to transfer to him when he is old enough, as before.

Noibat had a lot of fun with his new family, learning how to fly under the careful care of his new mom. Nephele was delighted to have another baby dragon in her Thunder. Landon was ecstatic to be an older brother again and Ash was simply happy to have another pokemon. Dragons were not so easy to find after all!

Noibat's name was Bruce, named after the nice doctor that checked him out in the Pokemon Center after his hatching. Nurse Joy was too busy with the whole town full because of the showcase. For some strange reason the name amused Ash, but at the same time it was quite fitting. But the Young trainer could not place his finge ron the reason.

Oh, well, Bruce loved it and that was the most important thing.

At the momento, they were on their way to Laverre City, for a fashion show that Delia wanted to catch. Ash was all for it, he cared none for the fashion but loved learning new places and meeting new pokemon.

"What are you doing now? Writing down some notes for training?" Delia asked her son laughing, as she drove. Nephele was flying ahead of them, while Landon and Bruce were playing on the backseat.

"I am checking out Bruce's stats," Ash answered his mom, not looking up from his Pokedex.

"Now that you mention it, you have not shared them with me before," Delia hummed.

"I haven't?!" This time Ash looked up, startled at his mother's words. "I haven't! Sorry mom! I'll do it now!"

Pokemon: Noibat.

Gender: Male.

Ability: Infiltrator.

Type: Flying/Dragon.

Move set: Tackle, Supersonic, Gust, and Acrobatics.

Egg moves: Defog and Dragon Rush.

NOTE: The egg moves have yet to be unlocked.

"Infiltrator?" Delia repeated. "What kind of ability is that? I have not heard about it before."

"Neither have I!" Ash exclaimed excitedly, he is always like that when it comes to pokemon. Dragons, more than others. "I had to look it up in the Pokedex and it is awesome! Infiltrator allows Bruce's moves to be unaffected by his opponent's barriers, substitutes, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and the like!"

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