Hoenn Grand Festival

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The bustling excitement of the Hoenn Grand Festival was in the air as Celeste greeted her cherished friends. Wallace, her dad, was dressed impeccably in his flamboyant outfit. He wore an expression of both pride and love as he embraced his daughter. Steven Stone, Celeste's future stepfather, exuded his characteristic calm and sophistication. A warm smile graced his lips as he hugged her.

Ash and Cilan, her faithful friends, radiated excitement. Ash, always full of boundless energy, offered a hearty bear hug. "I missed you so much Cel!"

"I missed you too Ashy!" Celeste held tightly into her friend and previous journey companion. "I missed you in Hoenn!"

"You've grown Celeste," Cilan greeted her warmly, the little girl he knew was a grown woman now.

Poor Celeste was a blushing mess at the compliment, making her fathers exchange amusing looks. "H-Hi, Cilan. It's been a while."

"Oh, my sweet girl, just look at you!" Delia threw her arms around the girl she loved as a daughter.

"Mrs... Delia, I am so glad you made it," Celeste practically melted into the hug, Mrs. Ketchum always gave the best hugs- a gift her son had inherited. Ash had held her during many anxious nights during their journey through Sinnoh.

Professor Oak was also there. Professor Oak, with his wise and kind demeanor, gave Celeste a mentor's nod of approval. Headmaster Drayden was also in attendance. He offered a proud and encouraging smile, acknowledging the growth and dedication she had displayed. They had watched her mature from a novice Coordinator to a skilled performer.

The pokemon, Dolos and Nyx, bounded joyously to see their human friends again. Their bright eyes and wagging tails were testament to the bonds they shared with Ash, Cilan, and others.

As Celeste looked at this assembly of people who had stood by her, she was filled with a sense of gratitude and joy. Their presence was not only a source of motivation but also a reminder of the shared journey they had embarked upon.

"Tell me all about it!" Ash linked arms with her, as they began making their way to the Contest Hall. "How is this Grand Festival different from Sinnoh's?"

Celeste giggled, radiant in happiness at having her friends and family close. "Well, first of all, there is not one appeal round, but two. Both of them are individuals, that means only one pokemon can be used. However, the battle rounds are mostly the same. Double battles until there's only one standing."

"Which will be you," Cilan replied with confidence.

Celeste forgot all about her shyness, and turned to smirk at a stunned Cilan, cockily. "You bet I will be!"

Cilan blinked a couple of times shocked by her sudden confidence when speaking to him before a warm smile spread through his lips. He was not oblivious, being a Pokemon Connoisseur meant that you had to be observant. So, he knew all about Celeste's crush on him. But he had thought it would fade with time. Now, however, Cilan wished that it would not.

"Would you show us your new contest outfit please? I can't wait for the appeal rounds to start; it must be a work of art as your previous Grand Festival gown!" Delia requested, as they made it backstage and stopped before the changing rooms.

"Of course! I want your opinion after all!" Celeste beamed and entered the changing room, she changed quickly and after doing her hair she was back outside, where her family was waiting for her.

Celeste's new contest outfit was a sight to behold, intricately designed to resemble the elegance of the pokemon world, particularly inspired by the versatile Eevee. The dress was a short kimono-style ensemble with a flowing silhouette that allowed for graceful movement. It was primarily a soft, warm brown, reminiscent of Eevee's natural fur color, with intricate embroidery in various shades, mirroring the vibrant personalities of Eevee's many evolutions.

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