Interlude IV: Aeolus' P.O.V

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I could feel the excitement running through my very being. My heart swelled with newfound power and confidence, and I couldn't help but take a moment to savor the sensation of my larger frame. With a triumphant roar, I spread my wings wide, the sheer span of them taking me by surprise. I took a tentative flap, feeling the air rush through the membranes, the sensation both exhilarating and strange. As I launched myself into the air, my movements felt more deliberate, the power in each wingbeat propelling me to new heights.

My limbs... Arceus I have arms and legs now! They gave me an added sense of control, a way to manipulate the air around me with greater finesse. I experimented with twists and turns, marveling at the agility I now possessed. Despite my newfound strength, I still moved with a grace that was reminiscent of my days as a Dragonair. It was as if that elegance had carried over, blending seamlessly with the power of my evolved form. I felt a sense of balance, a harmony between my past and my present.

In the midst of my acrobatics, I caught sight of Ash below, his face lit up with pride and joy. His voice reached me, a steady stream of encouragement and admiration that bolstered my spirits. With Ash's presence fueling my determination, I executed a series of maneuvers that were both daring and controlled. I looped and spiraled, a streak of orange against the azure sky, my movements guided by a newfound confidence in my evolved self. The world around me seemed to blur as I pushed my limits, reveling in the sensation of freedom and power.

As I gradually descended, my wings carried me with a gentle grace. I landed beside my Thunder members, who all greeted me with smiles and cheers. I blushed embarassed under all the attention, but it felt good.

"You know," Ladon finally broke the silence, his voice light and teasing, "I can't believe it took Ash this long to finally accept Drayden's apology. For someone so cute, he sure knows how to hold a grudge."

"True," Nephele's melodious voice, carried through the wind. "But you must admit, it's an unique trait when it comes to his dragons."

A fond smile played on my lips as I nodded in agreement. Curiosity tugged at me, and I couldn't resist asking, "And what about you, Drako? If it had been up to you, would you have forgiven Drayden sooner? You were the victim of his plan, after all."

A gentle chuckle rumbled through his thoughts as he considered my question. "Oh, absolutely. From the moment he apologized, I would have considered the matter settled. Life is too short to hold onto grudges, my friend."

His words resonated with a sense of tranquility, a peace that came from embracing forgiveness and letting go of resentment. I admired Drako's perspective, his ability to see beyond the surface and recognize the value of second chances.

With a final shared chuckle, we turned our attention back to Ash, who was engaged in conversation with Celeste. Curiously we made our ways towards the trainers, Ash and Celeste. It was a Pokedex reading! It's been a while since we've done one!

Turning my attention to Celeste's pokemon, the Pokedex readings detailed the incredible versatility of her team.

Pokemon : Umbreon (Nyx).

Gender : Female.

Ability : Synchronize.

Type : Dark.

Move set: Tackle, Quick Attack, Dig, Bite, Swift, Take Down, Body Slam, Sand Attack, Endure, Substitute, Agility, Work Up, Stored Power, Helping Hand, Double Kick, Crunch, Assurance, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Protect, Sleep Talk, Confuse Ray, Moonlight, Thunder Wave, Snarl, Hyper Voice, Trailblaze, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Thief, and Iron Tail.

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