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The digital screen of Ash's Xtransceiver flickered to life, revealing the stern yet wise face of Drayden-sensei, the Opelucid City Gym Leader, and a renowned Dragon-type Pokemon expert. Ash, sitting on the edge of his chair, greeted him with a respectful smile.

Ash answered the call enthusiastically. "Hey, Drayden-sensei! How's everything in Opelucid City?"

"Greetings, Ash. All is well here, as always. We are preparing for the arrival of a new class at the Opelucid Academy." Drayden-sensei replied.

Ash leaned forward, intrigued by the news of the new class. "Oh, that sounds exciting! How are they doing?"

"They are promising," Drayden-sensei hummed thoughtfully. "But not quite as exceptional as your class or Cilan's was. You and your friends set a high standard."

Ash's chest swelled with pride at the compliment. His time at the Opelucid Academy had indeed been filled with remarkable experiences and incredible trainers. "Thanks, Drayden-sensei! We had an amazing time."

The conversation shifted, and Drayden-sensei's expression became more intrigued as he delved into another topic. "Speaking of exciting experiences, I have a proposition for you and Cilan."

Ash's curiosity piqued, and he leaned in closer to the Xtransceiver. "What is it, Drayden-sensei?"

"Professor Cedric Juniper, Professor Juniper's father, is planning an expedition to explore a historical ruin," Drayden-sensei explained. "It's believed to be the site where an ancient Hero once met the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom."

Ash's eyes widened with excitement, and a grin spread across his face. The prospect of another adventure filled with legendary pokemon and mysterious ruins was irresistible. "Count us in, Drayden-sensei! Right, Cilan?"

Before Drayden-sensei could respond, Ash reached for one of his Poke Balls, releasing a burst of white light that materialized into Nephele, his majestic Altaria.

Ash's excitement was contagious, and Cilan, who had been listening nearby, chimed in. "Absolutely, Ash! Another adventure with legendary historical ruins? It's a dream come true!"

With Nephele at their side, Ash and Cilan jumped on her back and allowed her to guide them towards the direction given to them by Drayden-sensei. As the sunbathed the landscape in golden hues, Nephele soared gracefully through the cerulean sky with Ash and Cilan perched atop her back. The wind whooshed past them, carrying the exhilarating feeling of flight.

"Ash, this is absolutely remarkable! Flying on Nephele is a breathtaking experience, as always." Cilan exclaimed in admiration.

Ash was grinning proudly. "Yeah, it's like we're soaring alongside the wind!"

Nephele coasted gently downward, her powerful wings carrying them to a serene glade, it was a perfect spot for a brief respite. Not to mention, it was not that far away from the ruins. They continued the rest of the journey on foot. They could not wait! And by Cedric's excitement when he met them, he could not wait either.

The scorching sun hung high in the azure sky as Cilan, Ash, and Professor Cedric Juniper approached the ancient ruin said to be the stage for an encounter between a legendary hero and the mighty Zekrom. The relic stood majestically in the middle of a vast, arid plain, its ancient stones weathered by centuries of time.

"Professor Cedric, I must say, this place is truly awe-inspiring. The history and mystery it holds are remarkable." Cilan spoke with a hint of excitement.

Professor Cedric nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Cilan. This ruin has piqued the curiosity of scholars and adventurers for generations. Today, we are the lucky ones who get to explore its secrets."

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