Still Standing

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Celeste took a deep breath as she stepped onto the vibrant stage of the Solaceon Town Pokemon Contest. The arena was alive with energy, filled with trainers and spectators eager to witness the captivating performances about to unfold. Clutching Zeus's Poke Ball tightly in her hand, Celeste felt a surge of excitement and determination coursing through her veins. This was their moment to shine, to showcase the incredible bond they had forged.

With a confident smile, Celeste raised her arm and released Zeus into the spotlight. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their anticipation palpable. Zeus, with his sleek and electric-blue fur, stood proudly by Celeste's side, ready to captivate the audience with his electrifying appeal.

"Alright, Zeus, it's time to show them what you're made of!" Celeste exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "Start with Agility!"

Zeus sprang into action, his agile form moving in a zigzag pattern across the stage. His lightning-fast movements mesmerized the audience, drawing their attention to his swift and graceful presence.

"Now, Discharge!" Celeste commanded, her voice filled with anticipation.

A surge of electricity crackled around Zeus, illuminating the ground as if bolts of thunder were dancing beneath his paws. The crowd gasped in awe, their eyes fixated on the spectacle before them.

But the appeal was far from over. Celeste knew that Zeus had more to offer, a dazzling combination of moves that would leave a lasting impression. "Bolt Tail!" she exclaimed.

With a burst of energy, Zeus leaped into the air, the remnants of Discharge forming a glowing halo around him. The stage seemed to tremble with electric anticipation as he descended swiftly, his Iron Tail striking the ground with a resounding impact.

Chunks of earth were sent flying in all directions, adding a dramatic flair to the performance. The metallic yellow hue of Zeus's tail, adorned with thunder-like stripes, emitted an otherworldly glow, reminiscent of an electric flower blooming in the night.

To add a grand finale to the spectacle, Celeste called out, "Pin Missile!"

Zeus responded with a dazzling display of power, launching multiple electrified missiles into the air. The Thunderbolt, directed through his electrified Iron Tail, intertwined with the missiles, creating a mesmerizing fireworks-like display of electrical brilliance.

The audience erupted into applause, their cheers echoing throughout the contest hall. Celeste's heart swelled with pride as she and Zeus took their final bow, basking in the adoration of the crowd. As the judges tallied their scores, Celeste couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Together, she and Zeus had created an electrifying performance, showcasing their deep connection and the untamed power of their partnership.

Backstage, the air buzzed with excitement as Celeste caught her breath, her heart still racing from the electrifying appeal performance. She looked up to see Ash's familiar face beaming with pride and admiration. "Wow, Celeste, that was absolutely amazing!" Ash exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "You and Zeus were incredible out there! I could feel the electricity in the air!"

Celeste's face flushed with happiness, a wide smile spreading across her lips. "Thanks, Ash! It means a lot coming from you. Zeus really pulled off some impressive moves, didn't he?"

"He definitely did! You two make an unbeatable team," Ash replied, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I knew you would rock the stage!"

As they shared a moment of elation, the announcement reverberated through the backstage area, capturing their attention. The voice on the loudspeaker proclaimed, the contestants moving on to the battle rounds. One of them being Celeste!" A burst of excitement filled the room, and Celeste's heart soared with joy. She turned to Ash, her eyes shining with exhilaration. "Ash, I made it! Can you believe it? We're going to the battle rounds!"

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