The Trio Badge

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"I've never been so glad about your credentials as Professor Oak's Field Researcher," Delia commented with a relieved smile, as she watched fondly as her son prepared himself to embark on his next journey. "Arceus knows that your pokemon would have driven us all crazy if one of them had to stay behind."

"Lucky for us all, I get to carry up to twelve pokemon with me," Ash giggled. "Though, I will keep my pokemon team as it is for a while. I rather focus on them mastering their abilities, than adding more pokemon."

"Quality over quantity, smart choice," Delia hummed proudly. "Got everything you need?"

"I do," Ash beamed. "I'll miss you mom, but Cilan is waiting for me!"

"Safe travels Ashy," Delia hugged and kissed her son. "Say hi to Cilan for me."

"I will!" Ash waved excitedly, as summoned Nephele and jumped on her back. "To Striaton City Ele!"

"Al-taria!" Nephele cooed, spreading her majestic wings and taking flight.

Delia watched as Ash and Nephele soared into the sky, their figures gradually becoming smaller in the distance. A mix of emotions swirled within her — pride in her son's determination, a motherly worry for his safety, and a sense of nostalgia as she remembered the young boy who had left on his very first journey. She sighed contentedly and turned back toward the house. As she closed the door, Delia couldn't help but smile. Her son was off on another adventure, and she had no doubt that he would face each challenge with the same enthusiasm and determination that had carried him so far. And with friends like Cilan and a team of loyal pokemon by his side, Ash was destined for greatness in the world of pokemon training.

High above the serene landscapes of Unova, Ash and Nephele, soared gracefully through the open skies. The gentle caress of the wind ruffled their hair and feathers as they embarked on their journey towards Striaton City. Nephele's melodious coos filled the air as she glided effortlessly, her golden wings glistening like precious gold in the sunlight. The sunlight painted the world below in warm, inviting colors, creating a breathtaking tapestry of greens and blues.

From their vantage point among the clouds, Ash marveled at the beauty of the Unovan region. The vast forests, rolling hills, and meandering rivers stretched out as far as the eye could see. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through his veins, eager to explore these new horizons. As they approached Striaton City, the sprawling metropolis came into view, its tall buildings and bustling streets a stark contrast to the tranquil countryside they had traversed earlier.

Upon arriving in Striaton City Ash couldn't help but be excited. With a determined smile, Ash set off to reunite with an old friend: Cilan, one of the famed Striaton City Gym Leaders. His brother of the heart. Though, he did take a few minutes mourning that the Opelucid Academy famed trio were not getting back together. As Ash made his way through the city, he soon found himself at the doorstep of a charming and quaint restaurant known as "Striaton Café." The café's exterior exuded an aura of warmth and hospitality, and the tantalizing aroma wafting from within only heightened his curiosity.

Pushing open the café's door, Ash was greeted by the cheerful faces of Cilan, Chili, and Cress, the three brothers who served as the Gym Leaders of Striaton City. Their restaurant also doubled as the Striaton Gym, a place where the culinary arts and pokemon battles seamlessly intertwined.

"Welcome, Ash!" Cilan greeted him with a warm smile, huffing when Ash threw himself in his arms. "It's been too long, my friend. We're delighted to have you here."

"Cilan... I've missed you so much," Ash murmured on his chest, tightening his arms around the older boy's waist. "So much..."

"Me too, little prince," Cilan's smile was fond and kind, as he nuzzled Ash's hair. The height difference was perfect to make Ash the little spoon, fitting perfectly in Cilan's arms.

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