The Bolt Badge

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Elesa's fashion show was a dazzling spectacle that had everyone in Nimbasa City talking. The event was held in her Gym, which had been transformed into a runway worthy of the most prestigious fashion capitals in the region. Glittering lights hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the runway.

The audience, a mix of trainers, tourists, and fashion enthusiasts, filled the stadium to capacity. They eagerly awaited the unveiling of Elesa's latest collection, their excitement palpable in the air.

Bianca was practically bouncing in her seat with anticipation. "Oh, Luke, I can't believe we get to witness Elesa's fashion show! Her sense of style is legendary!"

Luke, his camera at the ready, shared Bianca's enthusiasm. "I've heard about Elesa's shows, but seeing it in person is a whole new experience. This will be great for my filming career!"

The lights dimmed, and a hush fell over the crowd as the first model stepped onto the runway. Elesa herself was at the forefront, radiant and poised, wearing an outfit that blended elegance and edginess seamlessly.

The collection that followed was a stunning display of creativity and artistry. Each piece was a work of art, a fusion of bold colors, intricate designs, and avant-garde concepts. Models strutted down the runway with confidence, showcasing Elesa's creations with grace and poise.

Bianca couldn't contain her excitement as she whispered to Luke, "Look at those outfits! They're like nothing I've ever seen before. The colors, the patterns, the fabrics – it's all so unique!"

Luke nodded in agreement, his camera capturing every detail. "She is incredible!"

"Do you even understand what is going on here?" Ash turned to Cilan bemused but sweat dropped when he realized that his best friend was also very into the fashion show. "It seems like I am the only one sane here."

As the show reached its grand finale, Elesa took to the runway once more, resplendent in an outfit that seemed to capture the very essence of lightning itself. Her Zebstrika, equally stylish, joined her, and together, they struck a pose that left the audience in awe.

The applause that followed was thunderous, echoing throughout the Gym. Elesa took a graceful bow, her charisma undeniable. "Thank you, everyone, for being a part of this electrifying experience! Fashion and battles, when combined, create something truly extraordinary!"

Bianca, her eyes shining with admiration, turned to Luke. "Luke, I've never seen anything like it. This is going to make your documentary incredible!"

Luke smiled, his camera capturing the essence of the moment. "You're right, Bianca. This is a story that needs to be shared with the world."

As the crowd slowly dispersed, Bianca, Luke, Ash, and Cilan decided to stay behind. The Gym Leader looked at the curiously, before a smirk spread through her lips. "Are you here for a Gym Battle?"

"Two of them," Ash smirked back. "Bianca and I are here to challenge you!"

"I know you," Elesa pointed at him. "You are Dean Drayden's star student, the one who defeated three Legendary pokemon."

"How did you know that? I mean, I get that you know about my Lily of the Valley Conference challenge, it was televised. But how did you know about me being Drayden-sensei's student?" Ash asked confused.

"Do you believe that you are the only student of his that graduated and became famous?" Elesa replied cheekily, making Ash blush embarrassed. "The Striaton Brothers graduated and went to open their café/gym," she nodded at Cilan, who smiled in return. "And I was already modeling before even graduating and now I have my own brand and gym. Opelucid Academy has created some of the most famous people in Unova." She twirled around, giggling. "I'll take Bianca first, a two vs two match and then you, Ash, for a three vs three match. After the meowthwalk that is as much as I can take. I will crash on my bed afterwards."

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