A new friend

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Convincing Delia was honestly the hardest thing. Drayden loved having Ash as his pupil and Professor Oak knew that the boy would wither in Pallet Town but flower at the Academy. However, how can you convince a mother to leave her son in another country for over five years and then some more when he goes on his journey. She would have only been with him for ten years before losing him.

Thankfully, Delia used to be an assistant in Professor Oak's Lab before Ash was born and his name always makes a good impression in anyone's resume. So, she easily found a job at the Nature Preserve as a researcher and aid. She sold her café and with that money and Drayden's help she bought a house in Opelucid City for her and Ash. She then left their house for rent, so they could have a nice extra source of income and could start saving for Ash's journey. Many people from Viridian City loved going to Pallet City for the weekend or a week vacation to relax in the peaceful town. So, there were always people ready to rent.

As for Ash, he had been studying English for half a year now and was picking up the language very fast- he seems to have quite the affinity for languages. But he still needed some time before he would be proficient enough to attend the Academy, so he would continue being homeschooled the rest of the year while helping out at the Preserve and training his Altaria.

Talking about Ele during the following six months she mastered Dragon Breath and Dragon Dance. She also learned three more moves: Aerial Ace, Double Team, and Dragon Claw. She advanced incredibly in her training especially since Ash wanted to take it easy after she evolved and get used to her new body. He had her learn no new move, not even practice the one she had learned through evolving, and only practice the ones she already knew- and that only after he had her flying everywhere for two weeks straight. But it did work, Ele now flies as if she had always been an Altaria.

If Nephele and Ash were inseparable when she was a Swablu, once she became an Altaria they never left each other's side. Delia would enter his room and find them cuddling, he looked so adorable all bundled up in Ele's fluffy cotton-like wings. This leads them to the situation they are in; Delia and Drayden leaning against the door of Ash's room as he naps on his Altaria. However, Ele was not asleep, if anything, she was enveloping Ash with her wings protectively as she glared at the adult humans, daring them to wake up her charge. Unfortunately, as adorable as they are, they needed to wake up Ash for this.

"Ash, sweetie, wake up." Delia shaking her almost eleven years old boy.

"Mmm, m-what's wrong mom?" Yawned Ash, blinking as he woke up.

"There are some issues we need to attend in Sinnoh, as we can't leave you on your own, you'll need to come with us." The Dragon Master explained.

"Drayden-sensei?" Ash asked, confused.

"I already packed you a bag, sweetie." Delia comforted him. "Why don't you wash up and change? We'll explain everything in our way there."

It seems like an old friend from Drayden, Wilma, from the Dragon Tribe needed their assistance. She had moved to Sinnoh to become a Move Tutor, a very sought after Move Tutor for her success rate in the difficult move Draco Meteor. But she stumbled upon a trainer who severely abused her dragon pokemon. The trainer was smart and knew how to hide the abuse, but Wilma was older and more experience, she noticed and reported it to Officer Jenny who arrested the trainer. However, now Wilma had an abused and scared Altaria in her possession in deer need of help. Being an international affair someone of power and prestige had to be there for the transition, which is why Drayden was going- Delia accompanying him as his aid.

They took an Alakazam teleportation to Sinnoh and then Drayden and Delia got into a car to Wilma's house. Ash decided to mount Ele and follow the car from the air. He had a lot in his head. He had seen many pokemon in need of rehabilitation, abused and injured by humans. But hearing a trainer abusing their Altaria... Ash's heart gave out for the pokemon. He held on tighter on Ele's feathers, catching the attention of the pokemon.

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