The Fighting Gym

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Excited to challenge the next gym, Ash and Celeste head to Veilstone City, where they meet Reggie, who introduces himself as Paul's brother. At first, the two best friends were hesitant about him, he was Paul's brother after all. But his open and warm persona rapidly won them over.

"How are they even related?" Celeste hissed at Ash with an incredolous look. "They are totally opposites!"

"No idea," Ash replied, shaking his head in disbelief. "I mean Reggie is hot, kind, gentle..."

"Ash!" Celeste slapped him on the arm.

"What?!" Ash snapped back, bothered that he had to take his eyes off Reggie to turn to her.

"Focus! And hot? Really?!" Celeste raised an eyebrow.

"He is hot!" Ash defended himself with a huff.

"I still can't believe this lovable idiot had girls and boys following him around back in Unova," Celeste muttered under her breath.

"Did you say something?" Ash asked her, tilting his head in confusion.

Celeste stopped and stared at him in silence for a couple of seconds. "Now, I get why they did. You are just too cute!"

"Thank you!" Ash beamed back, as Nephele flapped her wings proudly behind him.

"Something is wrong?" Reggie asked them, turning around after noticing they were no longer followwing him.

"No!" Ash and Celeste exclaimed at the same time, though Ash did so blushing.

"Well, thene follow me. The gym is close," Reggie smiled, making Ash blush brighter and Celeste giggle at her friends crystal clear crush. "Oh, Paul's been on quite a journey too," Reggie continued recalling his brother's endeavors. "His Murkrow evolved into a Honchkrow, and he caught a Magmar to replace his Chimchar." Celeste and Ash's heart sinks at the mention of Chimchar. They know that Paul was a tough trainer, but they can't help but wonder if Chimchar was happier now with Chili. Reggie continued, "And you know what? Paul even challenged Maylene here in Veilstone City and earned the Cobble Badge. He's been determined to become stronger, just like you are."

"Nothing like us," Ash muttered under his breath drily, before smiling brightly at Reggie when this one had turned around to give him a confused look.

"Smooth," I teased.

"Shut up!" Ash hissed.

"Make me!" I sang.

Entering the Veilstone City Gym, Ash and Celeste notice a change in Maylene's demeanor. She seems downhearted and lacking the usual confident aura of a Gym Leader. It's evident that the recent losses have taken a toll on her spirits.

"Hey, Maylene, is everything okay?" Reggie asks with concern, approaching the Gym Leader.

Maylene sighs and looks up, trying to force a smile. "Oh, hi, Reggie and company. I guess I'm just feeling a bit discouraged lately. I've been on a losing streak, and it's been getting to me."

Celeste steps forward, offering a supportive hand on Maylene's shoulder. "Don't worry! Everyone has their ups and downs. You're an amazing Gym Leader, and one losing streak doesn't define your skills."

Ash nods in agreement. "That's right! You've trained hard to get where you are, and your pokemon are incredibly strong. Losing is just part of the journey, but it's how you learn and grow from it that matters."

Maylene's smile grows genuine as she looks at the two encouraging trainers. "Thank you, guys. I really needed to hear that. It's just been tough, and I started doubting myself."

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