The Ghost Gym

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Ash and Celeste sat together, in their camping site on their way back to Hearthome City, gently cradling the newly hatched Eevees in their arms, marveling at the precious new lives that had entered the world.

"These little guys are so adorable," Celeste cooed, her eyes sparkling as she watched the Eevees nuzzle against her. "I just love Eevees so much!"

"Yeah, they're something," Ash agreed, a soft smile on his lips as he gazed at the tiny pokemon.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Celeste turned her attention to Ash. "Hey, Ash, I was wondering... are you ready for your Gym Battle against Fantina?"

Ash leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve, don't you worry."

"Oh, I'm sure you do," Celeste chuckled, giving him a playful nudge. "But you know, Fantina's no pushover. She's a skilled Ghost Master. Not to mention, a Top Coordinator."

Ash's grin widened. "That's exactly why I'm excited! I've been working on strategies that can throw her off balance. I've got some strategies that can counter her Ghost-types."

"Oh really?" Celeste raised an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and curiosity. "And what kind of strategies are we talking about?"

Ash leaned in, his voice lowering as he shared his ideas with Celeste. They huddled together, discussing tactics and potential counters to Fantina's lineup. The excitement in their voices was palpable, getting lost as they brainstormed and debated. As their conversation carried on, one of Celeste's Eevees snuggled into her lap, and the other one playfully pawed at Ash's finger. The playful Eevees got the attention of the trainers and cut their debate short.

Celeste's newest members were just too cute!

They spent the rest of the day tending to the hatchlings and playing with their pokemon. The following they they returned to their journey to Hearthome City. Amid their journey, Ash and Celeste found themselves in a quaint town, its peaceful atmosphere standing in stark contrast to the excitement that soon unfolded before them. As they turned a corner, they were met with an unexpected sight – a crowd of eager girls, their faces filled with anticipation and admiration, all gathered around a designated area. At the center of their attention was none other than Aaron, a member of the esteemed Elite Four.

"Are you shitting me?!" Ash cursed under his breath, Celeste being too stunned to even scold him for his foul language.

Excitement rippled through the air as Aaron's Bug-type pokemon – Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi – showcased their prowess in a public training session. While the girls watched with gleaming eyes, Celeste and Ash also observed from the sidelines. They were no strangers to formidable trainers, but witnessing Aaron's deep understanding of his Bug-type partners was a captivating experience. It was almost like going back in time, in Unova with Drayden-sensei showing Ash about how to handle and train Dragon-types.

I should really talk with him, Ash thought sadly. If Celeste had the courage to go for her dad, I should also do the same and face my mentor.

As the training session drew to a close, Aaron's eyes seemed to lock onto Celeste, a warm smile curving his lips. He walked over, his Bug-type companions following suit, their presence commanding attention. "Ah, Celeste, isn't it?" Aaron greeted, his voice carrying an air of warmth and approachability. "You're one of the upcoming coordinators making waves, aren't you?"

Celeste's cheeks flushed with surprise and a hint of shyness. "Y-yes, that's me."

Aaron chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "I've been keeping an eye on your performances. You've got quite the knack for understanding your pokemon and creating captivating appeals."

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