The Journey Continues

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Professor Juniper's office was filled with neatly organized paperwork and shelves stacked with books on pokemon training and Gym management. As Cilan and Ash entered, the professor looked up from her desk and offered a warm smile.

"Ah, Cilan, what brings you here today? And..." Professor Juniper asked, her friendly demeanor putting them at ease.

"Ash," Ash presented himself with a kind smile.

"Right, I saw your battle during the Lily of the Valley Conference," Professor Juniper recalled. "Quite an impressive battle."

Ash preened in pride. "Thank you."

Cilan stepped forward, adjusting his vest. "Professor Juniper, I've been giving it some thought, and I've decided to leave the Striaton Gym in the capable hands of my brothers, Chili and Cress. I will be traveling through Unova and train myself to become a better trainer. But as I am a Gym Leader I have responsibilities and paperwork to attend to, before going on such a journey."

Professor Juniper nodded understandingly. "I see, Cilan. I'm sure your brothers will do an excellent job. I'll get the paperwork ready for you to fill out."

Cilan smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Professor Juniper. That means a lot. Now, there's one more thing. Ash and I met a pokemon earlier, an Oshawott. Your assistant mentioned that he hasn't been chosen by the last few groups of rookie trainers."

Professor Juniper leaned back in her chair, with a frown. "Oshawott, you say? Well, it's unusual for a starter Pokemon not to be chosen. Let me check his records." Professor Juniper took a moment to look through his files before nodding. "You're right, Cilan. This Oshawott seems to have been overlooked by the past few groups of trainers. It's quite unusual, considering Oshawott's popularity."

Cilan's eyes lit up with an idea. "In that case, would it be possible to send Oshawott to my brother Cress? He would appreciate having a regional starter in his team. After all, he is a Water Specialist."

"Please let him do that," Ash almost begged. "Cress was not happy with me gifting Chili a Charmander and Cilan a Leaf Stone, and not gave him anything."

Professor Juniper chuckled and considered it for a moment before nodding. "That's a reasonable request. I'll make the arrangements. I'm sure Cress will be delighted to have Oshawott join his team."

Cilan extended his gratitude. "Thank you, Professor Juniper."

Once the paperwork and arrangements were completed, Cilan and Ash left Professor Juniper's office, and continued their journey towards Necrene City for Ash's next gym battle. As Ash and Cilan ventured through the scenic landscapes of Unova, they did not expect to meet, who they crossed paths with. Much to Ash's displeasure. With her long, wild hair and a confident aura about her, Iris exuded an air of adventure. It wasn't long before she recognized Ash and all that confidence puffed away.

"Hey, Ash," Iris began, her tone earnest and honest, "I'm Iris, do you remember me?"

"I do," Ash replied warily, while Cilan's eyes widened in shock. The older guy leaned over and hissed on Ash's ear: "The Iris? From Opelucid Academy?" However, Ash simply shoved him away and glared at Iris. "What do you want?"

Iris took a deep breath before continuing, "I wanted to apologize for how I acted back then, especially when I used your Haxorus, Drako, without your permission. I was... too harsh, and I didn't treat Drako with the respect he deserved."

Ash regarded her with a thoughtful expression. Her words were a far cry from the Iris he had known during their previous encounters. The transformation was evident. She was no longer the haughty girl she used to be. "Iris, I appreciate your honesty," Ash replied, a genuine smile forming on his face. "People change, and it sounds like you've learned a lot during your time with the Village of Dragons."

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