The Legend Badge

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The towering gates of Opelucid City Gym stood before Ash, their imposing presence felt even more keenly as his heart raced with anticipation. His mom and Cilan were right there beside him, and the unwavering support in their eyes provided a calming reassurance.

Ash took a deep breath and pushed open the grand doors. As he stepped inside, a remarkable sight greeted him. The Gym's interior was transformed into a grand arena, filled with stands, but not for spectators, as he initially thought. Instead, the stands were brimming with students from Opelucid Academy, their faces radiating excitement.

At the far end of the arena stood the formidable figure of Drayden-sensei, the Dragon Master himself. Ash's mentor and the one who had guided him through his journey since Professor Oak's introduction. Drayden-sensei was an imposing figure, known for his wisdom and strength as a Dragon Master.

As Ash approached, Drayden-sensei's eyes met his, and the Gym Leader smiled warmly. "Ash Ketchum, I'm pleased you've come to challenge me. I've invited my students today because I believe they'll learn a great deal from witnessing our battle." Drayden-sensei's gaze turned more serious, his voice laced with a hint of nostalgia. "I've been waiting for this battle ever since Professor Oak first introduced us, Ash. I've seen your growth, your unrelenting spirit, and your deep connection with your pokemon. Today, we'll put all of that to the test."

The Gym Leader's words resonated with Ash. This battle was more than just a test of strength; it was a culmination of everything he had learned, every obstacle he had overcome, and every bond he had formed with his pokemon. The journey had led him to this moment, to a showdown with a mentor he respected immensely.

The weight of nervousness began to lift as Ash absorbed the significance of the battle. He couldn't help but feel exhilarated at the thought of the challenge ahead. "I've been waiting for this moment as well, Drayden-sensei," he replied, his eyes brimming with newfound excitement.

Drayden-sensei smiled approvingly. "This will be a full 6 vs. 6 battle, Ash. Are you prepared?"

Ash's response was immediate, filled with a newfound enthusiasm. "I'm more than ready!"

As Delia and Cilan took their places among the Opelucid Academy students, the battle was set to begin. The students watched with eager anticipation as the two formidable trainers prepared to clash. The bonds of mentor and student were about to be tested in a battle that would be remembered and cherished.

"Haxorus, I choose you!" Drayden-sensei released his first pokemon.

Ash swallowed nervously at the visage of the imposing dragon. This Haxorus has been the one who had mentored Ash and Drako since day one. The one who had been an immovable wall for Ash and Drako during their Opelucid Academy days. But Drako was no longer the young dragon he used to be. No, he was an experienced and fully evolved dragon now, and he was ready for this challenge.

"Drako! Let's show them what you've got!" Ash called out his first pokemon, they were ready to test their limits.

The clash between Drayden's Haxorus and Ash's Haxorus, Drako, was nothing short of epic. The battlefield crackled with excitement, and the anticipation hung heavy in the air as these two mighty Dragon-types prepared to engage in a fierce showdown.

"Dragon Dance!" Both trainers commanded at the same time.

Drayden's Haxorus, a towering and imposing figure, exuded an aura of dominance. The swirling energy of Dragon Dance coursed through his sinuous form, boosting his speed and strength to an incredible level.

On the other side, Ash's Drako was equally determined. As the battle began, Drako's Dragon Dance matched Haxorus's, mirroring the power increase. The two danced in sync, their movements elegant yet deadly. Each flexed muscle was met with a retaliatory gesture, creating a mesmerizing rhythm of battle.

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