The Vertress Conference - Part III

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The atmosphere around the Vertress Conference was electric with excitement, but it wasn't just the battles that were getting Ash's heart racing. As he walked through the bustling corridor of the stadium, he was suddenly confronted by an unexpected face from his past, Gary Oak.

Ash had last seen Gary when he was just ten years old, and at that time, Gary had been something of a childhood rival. However, their relationship had often been one-sided, with Gary constantly belittling Ash and his skills as a Pokemon Trainer. This dynamic left Ash with feelings of inadequacy and frustration. Gary was the epitome of a cocky, self-assured trainer, and their interactions had been filled with taunts and jibes.

The encounter was shocking to Ash. Ash had moved to Opelucid City years ago and cut off contact with him, and all of his bullies back in Pallet Town. Ash had never expected to see him in Unova, let alone competing in the Vertress Conference. But the shock soon transformed into anger as he recalled the many times Gary's words and actions had stung.

Gary, sporting his trademark smirk, issued a challenge in his usual confident tone, "Hey, Ashy-boy, how about you aim for the Top 4? I'll be waiting for you."

Ash's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing. He felt a surge of anger, a torrent of memories of Gary's taunts rushing back to him. The hurt, the frustration, the times he had felt inferior in the face of Gary's self-assured demeanor, all came rushing back.

With an equally confident tone, Ash retorted, "You remember your try at the Indigo Conference, right? Top 32? You didn't make it any further."

His words hit their mark, and a flash of irritation flickered across Gary's face. The reminder of his past failure was a sore point, one that Ash had kept in the back of his mind.

Gary shot back, "That was then, twerp. I've come a long way since then."

Ash's eyes blazed with a fiery determination, and he could feel his heart pounding. The desire to prove himself, to show Gary that he was no longer the inexperienced trainer he had been, was overwhelming.

With a mocking grin, he challenged Gary right back, "Well then, let's see if you can make it to the Top 4. I'll be waiting for that."

Turning away from the flabbergasted Gary, Ash marched on, his footsteps echoing with confidence. Cilan, who had been a silent observer of the exchange, followed Ash worriedly. The emotions from that chance encounter had fueled a burning determination within Ash. Revenge was on his mind now, and he was prepared to prove himself on the grand stage of the Vertress Conference.

As Ash and Cilan continued marching away from the heated encounter with Gary, they eventually reached Professor Oak, who was pleasantly surprised by their arrival. The cheerful atmosphere soon took an abrupt turn as Ash's rage bubbled to the surface.

"Why didn't you tell me, Professor?" Ash demanded, his voice edged with anger, making Professor Oak feel a pang of regret.

Staring at his mentor with intense frustration, Ash's emotions swirled. He couldn't believe that he was now facing his childhood rival, Gary, at the Vertress Conference, something he hadn't anticipated or been prepared for.

He continued to vent his anger, the Professor's attempt at an apology further fueling his frustration. Ash's shout resonated in the surroundings, an outpouring of his long-held emotions and sense of betrayal. He'd held a vision of his journey in Unova, but Gary's presence shattered that plan.

The Professor could only look down with a somber expression, realizing that he had overlooked this crucial detail.

Cilan, aware that Ash's match was imminent, approached cautiously, his voice trembling. "Ash, your battle with Cameron is starting soon. You don't want to lose your focus now."

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