Having fun on stage!

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In their Pokemon Center room, Ash continued to vent his frustration, expressing his dissatisfaction with Paul's attitude. His voice filled the space with his passionate rant, while Celeste watched him with an amused smile, finding his behavior somewhat endearing. She couldn't help but think how adorable Ash looked when he acted a bit spoiled.

As Ash continued to voice his grievances, Nephele sensed his emotional state and took action. With a gentle flutter of her wings, she gracefully moved toward Ash, her cotton-like feathers enveloping him in a warm embrace. Nephele began to hum a soothing melody, her melodic tune permeating the air. The calming sound washed over Ash, his tense muscles relaxing in response to the serene atmosphere created by Nephele's gentle song. He felt the tension slowly melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquility and peace. The warmth and comfort of Nephele's wings brought a smile to his face.

Celeste watched the scene unfold, a soft smile playing on her lips. She admired the bond between Ash and Nephele, recognizing the deep connection they shared. It was moments like these that reminded her of the profound bond between humans and pokemon. As the melodious hum continued, Ash's anger subsided, replaced by a newfound calmness. He took a deep breath, allowing the peaceful ambiance to envelop him. He realized that getting worked up over Paul's behavior wouldn't change anything, and it was better to focus on the positive aspects of their journey.

Feeling grateful for the support and comfort from his pokemon, Ash turned to Nephele and gently patted her soft feathers. "Thanks, Nephele. You always know how to make me feel better," he said, his voice filled with appreciation.

Celeste chuckled softly, unable to contain her amusement any longer. "You know, Ash, you can be quite adorable when you get all riled up," she teased, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

Ash's cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of embarrassment and amusement coloring his face. He scratched his head, a bashful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, I guess everyone has their moments," he admitted, his voice tinged with self-awareness.

"Now, can you tell me what's got you so rilled up?" Celeste inquired curiously from her bed, where she was cuddling Hestia. "I though Champion Cynthia had gotten you all settle up."

"She did, until the bastard went ahead and insulted me training methods this morning, before he left!" Ash growled, before relaxing once more under Nephele's melodious humming. You knew that you pissed off a Ketchum when they started cursing. They never curse! "As he was leaving, he noticed me training Nephertite, Bruce, and Agni. He had the guts to tell me that I was babying my pokemon and that if I kept this up, it did not matter that they were dragons, and in Agni's case a starter pokemon, they will be weak... like I am, in his opinion."

"Wow..." Celeste chuckled. "Please tell me Landon was around! Arceus! How did I miss that!"

"Oh, my whole team was around," Ash replied with an evil smirk, one that looked adorable as the boy was literally swimming underneath Nephele's cotton-like feathers. "I had the delight to see him turn on his heels and run, as my whole Thunder gathered behind me." Ash snickered. "Serves him right!"

"At least, you got to meet Champion Cynthia," Celeste tried to remain possitive, she also did not like that trainer's attitude very much.

"I did!" Ash's eyes sparkled with pure joy. "She gave me so much advice about how to train Landon! She even told me that Lucian had given us high praise the last time the Sinnnoh League gathered! Can you believe it?!"

"I do," Celeste chuckled. "You guys deserv it! You've worked so hard!"

"We have! But so have you!" Ash returned the praise. "I have two gym badges and you have two contest ribbons, can you believe it?"

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